Chapter 28

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"So you messed it up again right" Yoongi scoffed holding up his body weight on his elbow which he kept still on the counter.

Jungkook didn't look up, his eyes fixed on the glass of whiskey. He was keenly watching the bubbles going up randomly with haste.

"Precisely" his sinful lips barely moved yet the husk of his voice made it audible enough for Yoongi to hear in that loud music playing on the club. "Any doubt?" he looked up to the older who was quite used to with his messed up life.

"What do you think of doing now?" Yoongi asked taking a sip from his glass with eyes sticked to the ass of a random hot chick in the club.

"There is no going back, I will do what I said" this snapped Yoongi back to reality and his eyes were back on him. He squinted his orbs and he looked at the younger one.

"As you wish" Yoongi breathed out and sipped some more alcohol from his glass.

"Hyung" Jungkook speaked out catching up Yoongi attention "I will end up like the Jimin thing isn't it?" he asked looking down at his glass.

"Yes it will" Yoongi snapped rather casually than expected "But you can settle things-"

"There's no going back I told you" Jungkook cuts him off and took a sip out his glass.

"OK, I you wish. But don't mess up the things too much or Namjoon will be shouting at us"

Yoongi looked at the younger one who barely cared. He sighs because he knows nothing can be done ones the game has begun so he draws his attention back to the reason why he came to clubs, ladies.

The girl in that black shimmering dress has been catching his glances for a long time.

"Where is your mind?" Jungkook yawned and instantly noticed the girl Yoongi was eyeing and a smirk appeared on his face and he changed his question "Or rather where are your eyes?"

"I will listen to all your problems, but in return you have to get me that girl tonight" Yoongi made a deal and Jungkook just nodded without saying anything.

"Good boy" Yoongi showed his gummy smile. "Now tell me about this Y/N girl"

"Y/N?" Jungkook frowned and Yoongi just made a hmm sound while drinking from his glass.

"Well, I didn't find any flaws in her, typical good girl by nature and kinda cute you know" Jungkook described and Yoongi arched an eyebrow with an expression of disbelief in his face.

"What?" Jungkook asked after seeing Yoongi's face and gave a why are you so surprised? look.

"What not? You just now complimented a girl, Jesus Christ!" Yoongi left a sarcastic smile.

"I just told you what I observed" Jungkook looked on the other way not pleased that he complimented a girl.

"OK so I guess you are done. Now go and do my job" Yoongi said not caring much because these have become everyday issues for him now.

"What?! You told that you will listen to me" Jungkook pouted like a child and Yoongi clicked his tongue.

"Do you have anything else to say? This is just history repeating and we all know the conclusion" Yoongi said bluntly which gave Jungkook an imaginary blow right on his face.

"OK, will do your job" that's it, he said nothing else and headed towards the girl to convince her to hook up with Yoongi for that night.


"What the fuck Taehyung! Are you an asshole?!" Jimin screamed with eyes squinted out of annoyance. "How the hell could you make a deal out of a girl?" he looked at Taehyung with disgust who hung his face down and covered it up with his hands.

"I don't know, I was out of my mind" Taehyung's voice shook while Jimin glared at him.

"What do you mean by you were out of your mind you idiot! Who does that to someone! My God!" Jimin panted, he went crazy after hearing such a thing.

"I know hyung, I know it. It's all my fault. I just dealed my love with someone like Jungkook" 

Taehyung was on the verge of crying but somehow held it back.

"Fuck Jungkook! Who cares about that bastard! It's that innocent girl who will suffer for you" Taehyung was silent, he had no words to apologize so he just kept quiet with the guilt eating him up. He can't even tell you about what he had done because you would be furious and would never talk to him again and he won't be able to bare that.

"Didn't you see me suffer for that Jungkook? I just had to watch my girlfriend go away from me with that asshole" Jimin punched the wall beside, frustration building inside him. "I didn't even go on bet with him but still he did that to me and if he does the same to you, congratulations you can't even blame him but keep your mouth shut and watch the drama cuz you are the one who allowed him to play"

"Y/N is a good girl, she won't entertain a guy like Jungkook-"

"Yeah yeah" Jimin cut him off.

"Console yourself as much as you can. Y/N is naive and she is bound to make mistakes and when it comes to Jungkook, you just can't stop girls from falling for him. He has his sly ways"

"And most importantly, Y/N is not even committed to you. So if she chooses some guy over you, you have nothing to do"

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