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You asked, I delivered.

Well, not really. Nobody asked for it but I did!!!

Anyways, I have a problem writing fanfics about the same people. First Andrei now Kirill, but these two are my absolute favorite players in the NHL. Kirill first always since he plays for my favorite team (Minnesota Wild).

If you have read The Minnesota Miracle, think of this as a new revamp with of course new plot elements, characters, etc. I started writing The Minnesota Miracle when I got back into writing as an escape from what was going on in my life at the time. Of course, that was over a year ago and my writing skills have since improved since I wrapped up the story in April 2023. Since then I've written a lot more, and hopefully this is an improved version of that story, Kirill wise. Kirill still speaks good English to bypass the language problem, but of course I tried to make it somewhat realistic. Go look up where he is being interviewed, he barely can even make up an English sentence without having to take a long pause. I love him for that, though. It's cute.

Also, for all you fellow Wild fans out there, how are we liking the Dewar and Duhaime trades? I know it's a week after the deadline, but I'd thought I would ask. Me personally, I never really cared for them, but they were gritty and got be relied on whenever need be. Besides, I really didn't think they were going to resign with the Wild because of the underperforming year they are having.

Anyways, I'm gonna shut up now. Hope you enjoy this, and be sure to read The Minnesota Miracle if you are interested in reading another Kirill fanfic! Might not be as good, but it's a good read nonetheless! If interested, read any of my other fanfics if you have interest in Andrei or even my short stories book.

Thank you!

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