chapter two

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As I was trying to apply mascara to my eyelashes, my phone buzzed on the countertop to my vanity.

After I applied the first coat to my left eye, I glanced down to see who texted me as I was trying to get ready for my little lunch "date" you could say with Kirill. I frowned to see that it was Bailey and not Kirill, but I digress.

Bailey: Girl guess what

I sighed and began typing a response back.

What? You're hungover?

I giggled as I looked back at my reflection and began applying the first coat of mascara to my right eye.

My phone buzzed on the vanity again, and once I finished applying the coat, I looked to see what Bailey wanted.

Bailey: I'm being called down to Rochester to do a job shadow!

I smiled as I read that text. She's been wanting to go to Rochester to work in the Mayo Clinic for a while now, and I'm glad she was able to get an opportunity to see what it's like to work in such conditions. I could never be a doctor.

That's awesome, Bails! <3

Once I got my mascara finished up, I moved onto lip gloss. I chose a neutral shade, and so I applied that to my lips and did some duck lips and smacked them to see how it held up.

My phone vibrated again.

Bailey: I know!!!! It's on the 5th of February. So, not too far out.

Ooh, during the NHL All-Star game 😓

Bailey: haha yeah. Oh well. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you know?

Like our tickets and experience yesterday, and now I was going to be out for lunch with one of the Minnesota Wild players. But, she doesn't need to know that, though.


I stuck my phone in one of the back pockets to my jeans, then walked out of the bathroom. I glanced at the time on my Apple Watch, reading 12:17 p.m., then looked outside into the sunny sky that was over Minneapolis at noon. I was supposed to pick Kirill up at 12:30, so after I took a quick glance outside, I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door and down to the parking lot to the apartment complex.

The drive to U.S. Bank Stadium wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be with it being a Sunday afternoon. I guess I expected the traffic to be worse considering church services were finishing up and people love to be out on Sundays. Take me, for example. It's the only time I'm able to do my own shit with my hectic schedule.

I noticed a figure standing in the parking lot as I pulled into the empty lot. They had their hands tucked into their pockets, and they were wearing a white beanie. I shrugged it off and parked in a spot, letting the car idle (with the car locked) as I waited for Kirill to show up.

I'm in the parking lot. I'm in a white car with a Wild decal on the bumper. Should be the only one in the lot. I texted him.

He immediately saw the text, but I didn't get an answer. Then, a few seconds later as I was scrolling through Instagram, someone tapped on the window to the passenger seat.

I looked in the direction of the tapping, then I noticed that person in the white beanie at my window. My heart skipped about five beats in a second to see Kirill's face on the other side of the window. He was waving to me with a smile on his face, so I unlocked the car to let him in.

I nonverbally told him to get into the car, and so he nodded his head and opened the door. He got in, then closed it behind him as he looked at me.

"Hello," he said, and by God his Russian accent was so attractive yet so distinct compared to what I hear on the phone.

Among Your Limits - k. kaprizovWhere stories live. Discover now