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{3 weeks later}

Kon wakes up.


Kon says confused.

'you're finally awake.'

Jessica says worried, And Kon looks at Jessica.

'mom, are you ok!?'

Kon yells.

'yes, why do you ask?'

Jessica says.

'you're bleeding.'

Kon says.

'dont worry about it, my wound just didn't heal yet.'

Jessica says. But then Kon thinks "stats" and the status window open

[Kon Hori
Level: 5
HP: 210
MP: 48
Def: - 10 + -stat points-
AP: - 23 + -stat points-
Intelligence: 207
Str: - 38 + -stat points-
Spe: - 102 + -stat points-
sta: - 100 + -stat points-
Skills: Liminal, minor healing
Unspent stat points: 30]

"Level up Attack Potency 9 times, strength 10 times, stamina 8 times and the rest go to def" kon thought

[Info has been evaluated]

[Kon Hori
Level: 5
HP: 210
MP: 48
Def: 13
AP: 32
Intelligence: 207
Str: 48
Spe: 102
sta: 108
Skills: Liminal, minor healing
Unspent stat points: 0]

'use, -Minor Healing-.'

Kon says, putting his hand towards his mother, healing her, the scars gone and healed. Kon smiles at Jessica. Then all of a sudden, someone kicks the door open.

'you, kid with the weird looking hair!'

The man says. Kon stands up, and gets behind the man easily, and swiftly barely seeable to the human eye.

'rude, why are you here.'

Kon says. The man turns around, sitting on a chair instantly.

'that won't work kid, you're to weak, but the reason I am here is because, you are a -User-.'

The man says.

'why does that matter?'

Kon says.

'if you're a -User- then you can be a Hunter, you kill monsters and level up and get money from it.'

The man says.

'i'll consider it.'

Kon says.

'also my name is, jin Toro it was nice meeting you.'

Jin says. Then Jin disappeared instantly.

'what in the world...'

Kon says, as he is confused his mom grabs his shoulder.

'do what you want, you're more than strong enough, ok?'

Jessica says.

'got it.'

Kon says, while smiling.

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