4. The Guild

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Kon walks into a guild, that has the title "Rank evaluation" when Kon enters he gets death glares, everyone is quite, as he walks to the receptionist.

[The screen fades too black]

Some person's foot steps into the screen, the foot has a red boot. the scene goes up his leg, to his face but, his face is black. And as we see his skin, it's red and we go to his face. there is a red glint in his eye it seems to be a monicle, and he is smiling his teeth sharp and yellow. The room looks like a, podcast station.

'this boy, doesn't know what he is getting into.'

The man says, his voice sounding like a elk screeching in pain, mixed with a wendigo.

[It switched back to Kon]

Kon puts his hand on the table and as he does he gets poked with a needle and gets tested

'you are C-Rank.'

The receptionist said.


Kon says, and he walks to the billboard of B-C Rank missions. But then the receptionist runs at Kon.

'i'm sorry, but I forgot to tell you something.'

The receptionist says, breathing heavily from running.

'yes what is it?'

Kon says.

'you need to choose a class.'

The receptionist says.

'uh ok, what are the classes?'

Kon says.

'Cleric, Barbarian, Monk, Fighter, Assassin, Ranger, Warlock, Paladin, Thief, Mage, Necromancer, Black Magic Mage and Undead.'

The receptionist says.

'i uh, choose um, Assa-'

Kon gets cut off.

'also, you can merge classes at level 10.'

The receptionist says.

'un ok, for now I choose -Necromancer-.'

Kon says.

[Necromancer has been chosen, evaluating accordingly.]

[Stats evaluated, Stats are as described.
Kon Hori
Level: 5
HP: 210 (+1)
MP: 48 (+18)
Def: 13
AP: 32 (+10)
Intelligence: 207 (+21)
Str: 48
Spe: 102
sta: 108 (+17)
Skills: Liminal, minor healing, weak Undead summoning, Blood Mist, Bone Weapon, Corpse Explosion.
Unspent stat points: 3]

"What is, Blood Mist?" Kon thinks.

[Blood Mist is a skill, that makes a explosion of blood. and you have 100% enhanced speed in any type of blood, and it blinds the enemy masking you.]

"That's useful." Kon thought, as he looks at the quest board again. the quests were.
Kill a snake Demon. (0/3)
Clean slime infestation. (0/30)
Kill dragon. (0/1)
Hunt 3 jinns. (0/3)
Kon grabs the Slime quest, Wich is C-Rank. And he walks to, the receptionist.

'i would like, this quest Ms. Takerina.'

Kon says.


Ms. Takerina(Receptionist) says. As she puts a accepted stamp, on the quest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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