Chapter 7

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"Taehyung! Stop dragging me " you hissed at him as you dragged you out of the store by grabbing your forearm.

After hearing your command he finally released his grip and let you free.

"Ouch! That hurts " you groaned at the middle of the road while rubbing your elbows.

"Rule number one. Don't talk with strangers". he commanded you while pointing his index finger towards you as you have him an that doesn't make any sense look to him.

"Jimin is not a stranger. He is your friend" you snapped and he pursed his lips in annoyance.

"He is not a stranger to me but he is a stranger to you" he argued which made you think that Taehyung is being unfair with you.

"See, this is a new city and everyone is a stranger here, but that doesn't mean I won't talk to anyone and be an absolute dumb. And if I am talking to Jimin and trying to be friends with him where is the problem in it. Just mind your own business and don't tell me with whom I should talk and to whom I won't. You are not my caretaker." you placed your points one by one very efficiently trying not to give Taehyung any scope to win this fight over you.

"You argue a lot. That's disgusting" he scrunched his nose and you scoffed.

"Then leave me alone if I am disgusting you" you scoffed and while placing both your hands on your waist making a defending posture.

"That's my decision whether to leave you or not" he raised his eyebrows.

"And it's my decision to talk to whoever I want" you shrugged and used his tactics against him.

"Ugh.... You are annoying! Now stop arguing like a kid on the middle of the road" he replied, tired of this silly childish fight.

"It's you who started this fight not me" you protested and there was a moment of silence as both of you stopped screaming at each other.

"Hey" he finally spoke breaking off the silence.

"What? " you asked him while crossing your arms at your chest.

"Wanna go somewhere?" he slightly raised his shoulders and kept it back down as he slid his hands into his jeans pocket.

"Where?" you questioned.

"Don't ask so many questions, just tell if you want to come or not?" he replied and you nodded your head.

"Fine then. I am coming " your reply finally brought a small smile on his face.

"Let's go then"


Taehyung 's bike stopped in front of a children's play park.

You got down from the bike with a jump and looked at the place he had brought you with doubtful eyes.

"Why did you bring me here?" you asked Taehyung who has lost himself in the children playing inside and a cute smile appeared on his face.

You couldn't help but giggle at his cute childlike face and couldn't believe that this Taehyung is that same perverted asshole Taehyung who teased you last night and in the very morning. You found your V again in this childish face.

"V !!" you shaked his shoulders to bring his attention back to you as you raised your voice a little.

"Yeah, what?" he was startled.

"You didn't answer my question previously" you pouted at him and he laughed. "What is there to laugh at me for ?"

"Nothing, you look cute in that look" he complemented making you blush. "I never expected to call me by that name again" he smiled.

"Well it's the name that I gave you and I can call out that name at my will" you replied while resting your hands on your waist.

"You are still a kid" he giggled and ruffled your silky hair.

"So as you are" you replied.

"Do you remember we used to come to a park like this when we were kids?" he asked recollecting the old memories you two had together.

"Yeah I remember, we used to play hide and seek" you replied and giggled while looking at the children who had come with their mothers just like you used to do in the past.

"Let's sit somewhere and talk" he spoke and took you to a empty bench while holding your hand.

You sat on the bench beside him and noticed Taehyung staring at you but you acted like you are totally unknown about the fact that he was looking at you.

"We are looking like young parents, aren't we" he giggled and you went blank.

You gave him an what the fuck expression and internally gave slow claps to his stupid nonsensical comment.

"Wanna eat ice cream?" he asked and you were glad that he didn't speak something stupid this time.

You nodded your head and replied "A chocolate cone for me, please ".

After a few minutes Taehyung came to the spot with two ice cream cones one chocolate and one butterscotch where you have been waiting for him.

"Here you go" he said and handed you your chocolate cone.

"Thanks, it looks yummy " you said looking at your cone and then looked back at Taehyung who had already attacked his ice cream.

You giggled for a moment and then started licking your ice scream.

Taehyung derived his attention from his ice cream and looked at yours.

"Yours one looks tastier. Let me taste it a bit" he said and tried to snatch the cone from your hands and you tried your best to save your cone from that ice cream assassin.

"No it's my cone Taehyung! Eat yours!" you snapped at him but he grabbed a hold of the wrist of your hand with which you were holding your ice cream.

It didn't take him much time to attack and plunder your beautiful chocolate cone with his tongue. You couldn't save your ice cream and slapped him all the while he was eating from your hand.

"I hate you" you whinned at him while he giggled like an idiot.

Look at them.... They are so childish.

They have grown up but they are still fighting over their ice cream.

I think they are husband and wife.

No! You think wrong they are boyfriend and girlfriend. They are lovebirds.

Love birds? Whats that? Is that something to eat?

No idiot my Mamma says that love birds means couples.

That Oppa looks so handsome.

No that Unnie is prettier.

You listened to the weird conversations that was going among the kids playing at the park.

"Kids these days talk like aliens" you said and looked at Taehyung who was checking his watch.

"It's late. We should go back home. "

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