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Salvatore De Luca is a scary figure, no doubt about it

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Salvatore De Luca is a scary figure, no doubt about it. Just hearing his name can send shivers down your spine. He's known as "boss" to his close circle, but to everyone else, he's a force you don't want to mess with. His eyes are a sharp, icy blue, and they seem to freeze you in place. His hair is messy and brown, framing a face that's both captivating and threatening.

What really stands out about De Luca is the color of his skin, like caramel. It might seem warm, but it hides the coldness inside him. When he's around, you can feel danger in the air.

Stories about De Luca's crimes travel far and wide, from Mexico City to Rome. Police everywhere want to catch him, but he's always one step ahead. He's the top guy in the criminal world, making deals and calling the shots.

If you ever come face to face with Salvatore De Luca, be careful. He's like a black hole, sucking you in with fear. Crossing him means risking everything, and once he's got you in his sights, there's no escape. It's best to steer clear and hope you never catch his attention.

 It's best to steer clear and hope you never catch his attention

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Did you like him? Don't worry if you did because you might also end up hating him. He's a dark character who's used to being disliked.

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