Chapter 3

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Whoa! We're at the airport, ready to jet off to Mexico

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Whoa! We're at the airport, ready to jet off to Mexico. Mexico, here I come! I'm genuinely excited that the trip has come together smoothly despite some initial hiccups. It feels like destiny wants me to have this experience. I tilt my head back, gaze toward the sky, and express my gratitude, "Thank you, nature."

"Ready for some Mexican adventures?"ekansh asked.

"Absolutely! I can't wait to dive into the culture and cuisine." I said.

"I'm especially excited about visiting the historic sites." Parul replied.

"Parul, how are you feeling? Need anything?" Ekansh said while checking her.

"Thanks, Ekansh, I'm good." She muttered.

"Just want to make sure you're comfortable."he replied.

I board the plane alongside Ekansh and Parul, I notice Ekansh's extra attention to Parul, considering she's pregnant. Our seats are in business class.

"Well, I'm going to close my partition now for a bit of privacy. See you on the other side." After settling in, I discreetly close the partition between us, not wanting to intrude on my friends' privacy, nor do I want them to encroach on mine.

I grabbed my purse and reached for my book, "Waris Shah's Heer Ranjha." I have a passion for reading, especially historical love stories. The depth of love portrayed in such tales always captivates me. It's a stark contrast to today's trends where having multiple partners seems to be the norm. Maybe this is just the Gen Z way of life, I pondered.

The previous generation, the Millennials, seemed different. They cherished love like our parents' generation did. Their relationships have stood the test of time, still flourishing with genuine affection. But now, in our generation, it feels like love is replaced by casual flings or purely physical relationships. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but the overall trend seems to have shifted.

I pondered these thoughts, lost in contemplation, the airhostess approached with a tray of drinks and snacks. "Excuse me, ma'am, what drink would you like?" she inquired politely.

I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at the options. "I'll have whiskey, please," I replied, noticing a sandwich next to it.

The combination seemed odd to me—whiskey and a sandwich. I leaned in and asked, "Is the sandwich vegetarian? I'm strictly vegetarian."

The airhostess nodded with a warm smile. "Yes, ma'am, it's a vegetarian sandwich."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Great, thank you."

I sipped my whiskey and I immersed myself in "Waris Shah's Heer Ranjha." The scene I was reading depicted Heer's longing for Ranjha, and it resonated deeply with me.well I'm also longing for a partner for me. I'm a hopeless romantic. I don't know if I'll ever found love or not. I'm not gonna lose hope.

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