Chapter 1

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Las Vegas

A city full of lights, dreams, and sometimes, annoying encounters. I was chilling at a bar, sipping my drink when this guy, thinking he's all that, comes up to me.

"You should come with me, babe. It'll be wild," he said, flashing a grin.

I rolled my eyes, taking another gulp. "No thanks, not interested."

But he wouldn't quit. "Come on, you're too hot to say no. My place is just around the corner," he persisted.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," I said, gulping down another shot. I'm enjoying my time here in Las Vegas, and some clueless guy trying to approach me suggested that it would be better if I accompanied him.

I declined, but now he's starting to get on my nerves. I think I'll have to knock some sense into him by smacking his head on this table. Glancing around, I searched for my friends.

I sighed "Dude, seriously, I said no." I'm not interested. I don't sleep around-I haven't even had my first kiss or a boyfriend-and the nerve of this guy to keep pursuing me.

He leaned in, trying to be all smooth. "I can make you change your mind, trust me."

"What did I say to you before?" I asked him firmly.

"You said no, but I can change your NO to YES," he tried to approach me again, and that's when I lost my temper.

Scanning the room, I noticed some girls drinking wine. I grabbed a glass from one of them, splashing the wine on the guy's face first and then smashing the glass against his head.The girl from whom I took the glass got scared.

A trickle of blood started to flow from his forehead. It wasn't a lot of blood; he should have behaved, or things could have gotten worse. I was in a good mood, so I didn't beat him further and left the place.

My friends quickly made their way over to me, their eyes filled with curiosity and questions. It was obvious they had witnessed the whole scene. I glanced back and I realized that not only my friends but also half of the fucking club's occupants were now staring in my direction. Oops! I got so caught up in dealing with that dude that I completely forgot about the audience.

Parul and Ekansh, my innocent friends, exchanged questioning glances with me, waiting for an explanation. With a smirk, I responded, "Just a dumbass guy trying to ruin my night."

Their laughter echoed in the club, and I couldn't help but admire how adorable they looked together. Parul and Ekansh have been married for two blissful years, and now, they're on a new experience as Parul is one month pregnant!

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