Chapter 2

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I stood in a dimly lit room, my eyes fixed on the lifeless body sprawled at his feet. Blood pooled around the traitor, a stark reminder of the consequences of betrayal in my world.

"Stasera parto per il Messico," i spoke in a low, commanding voice, my Italian accent lacing each word with a sense of authority. ("I'm leaving for Mexico tonight.")

"È una trattativa importante, non posso permettere distrazioni." ("There's an important deal I have to do in Mexico.")

My gaze shifted to the dead man before him, my former associate turned informant. "Il suo crimine?" A wry smile tugged at the corners of my lips. ("His crime?") "Ha pensato di vendermi agli ufficiali. Povero stupido." ("He thought he could sell me out to the authorities. Poor fool.")

Stepping over the body, I made my way to my awaiting car."Disponete di questo cadavere," he instructed his loyal men with a nod towards the corpse. ("Dispose this corpse.") "Nessun indizio che possa tornare a me." ("No clues that can trace back to me.")

I settled into the leather seat and my mind raced with calculations and contingencies. "Se quest'uomo avesse avuto successo, sarebbe stata una catastrofe per me," i muttered to myself, eyes narrowing in contemplation. ("If this man had succeeded, it would have been a disaster for me.") "Ma ora è solo un'altra vittima della mia ascesa." ("But now, he's just another casualty of my ascent.")

My phone buzzed with updates, messages detailing the chaos and fear rippling through the underworld at the news of my retaliation. "Che parlino," i thought, a dangerous glint in my eyes. ("Let them talk.") "La paura è una valuta con cui commercio." ("Fear is a currency I trade in.")

The car sped towards the airport, the city lights blurred into streaks of color and i delved into my plans for the impending deal.

"Il Messico sarà una pietra miliare," i mused aloud, a predatory smile spreading across my face.
("Mexico will be a stepping stone.")

"E chiunque osi ostacolarmi incontrerà lo stesso destino di quel pazzo laggiù. Nessuno si mette sul mio cammino, ora come ora, mai." ("And anyone who dares to cross me will meet the same fate as that fool back there. No one stands in my way, not now, not ever.")

The sleek black car glided through the bustling city streets, its tinted windows shielding me inside from the world's curious eyes. The vehicle pulled up to the airport and a private jet awaited for me on the tarmac.

I stepped out of the car, my presence commanding attention even in the busy airport environment. With a nod to my security detail, i made my way towards the waiting jet.

I settled into my seat on the private jet and  the flight attendant approached with a polite smile, her uniform crisp and professional. Her demeanor was a careful balance of respect and apprehension, a clear indication that she recognized the power I wielded and the aura of intimidation that surrounded me.

"Can I offer you something to drink, sir?" Her voice was steady, but there was a subtle quiver beneath the surface, a hint of nervousness that betrayed her unease.

I glanced up at her through narrowed eyes, my expression unreadable as I assessed her. It pleased me to see the subtle shift in her demeanor, the realization dawning on her that she was in the presence of someone not to be trifled with.

"No, thank you," I replied curtly, my tone leaving no room for argument. "I prefer to be left alone."

Her smile faltered for a moment, a brief flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before she regained her composure. "Of course, sir. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

I nodded in acknowledgement, my gaze already drifting back to the window as the jet taxied down the runway.

The flight took off and the cabin filled with the steady hum of the engines, I closed my eyes, relishing the solitude. But it was short-lived, as the flight attendant returned, perhaps thinking I had changed my mind about her presence.

"Sir, is there anything I can do for you?" Her voice was polite but tinged with apprehension, a clear indication that my aura of intimidation had not gone unnoticed.

I opened my eyes, fixing her with a cold stare that made her take a step back instinctively. The weight of my gaze conveyed more than words ever could, a silent warning to tread carefully.

"I told you," I spoke in a low, controlled voice, "I prefer to be left alone. Do not disturb me unless absolutely necessary."

Her eyes widened slightly, a mixture of fear and respect reflected in her gaze. "Of course, sir," she stammered, her professionalism vanishing momentarily under the weight of my presence. "I'll ensure your privacy."

With that, she retreated, leaving me in peace once again. I leaned back in my seat, a faint smirk playing at the corners of my lips. It amused me how easily people could be intimidated, how a mere glance or tone could send them scurrying away.

Alone at last, I focus on the plans ahead, enjoying my solitude and the freedom it afforded me.

Even fear takes a step back when I enter the room, recognizing the weight of my presence. Respect comes naturally, as others acknowledge the strength I carry. And power? It's not just something I hold; it's a part of who I am, shaping everything around me according to my desires.

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