Chapter 1

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Living in LA, is prolly the worst thing ever. Having to raise a baby in top of that is even harder. When I first wanted to move here life, my parents told me to never ask for anything from them. They said that I would never make it and they will never support me if I moved. Moving here to follow my dreams, I got I scholarship and was going to school. But then I met Nate Conners. He was ever girls dream but he left after he found out I was pregnant. Leaving me to raise the child on my own. I had to drop out of school and now is balancing trying to pay rent and raising a child. Money is super tight but I'm getting by....barely.

"Kaelynne!" Sofia yelled. "We need to go. Hurry up." She yelled again. "I'm going as fast as I can. Ezra had a dirty diaper and she shit all up her back. I'm sorry I had to give her another bath." I yelled back. It's a Monday morning and I'm already late to work. "Remember we have to stop by Danial's house!" Sofia yelled. "Oh yes. I'm sorry that it took to long." I replied. "It's fine I promise." She said back. On our way to Danial's house Ezra started to cry. She somehow got tangled in her car seat and was stuck in an odd position. After fixing her we finally arrived at Danial's house. I met Sofia on my first day of collage. She was the only person to try and talk to me. After she found out what Nate did, she has stayed around to help me when she can. Her and Danial have been together since high school. Although they have their ups and downs they still stay together and are the best people in this world. Waiting in the car I decided to go and shop for clothes for Ezra since she is getting to big for hers. Just 2 months ago she was in a size 12 but now she is in a size 14. I'm glad she is growing so quickly but it's getting hard to keep up with. This child is going to make me go broke. Once I was checking out and finishing up the order, Sofia came out and off we went to take Ezra to daycare.

After Ezra had her temper tantrum. We dropped her off at daycare we headed off to work. Since the small diner was the only place that would work around me sometimes bringing in Ezra me and Sofia decided to work there together. When I was clocking into work a lovley lady came in and called at the counter. After she chose her seat I came and took her order already starting my day off. Taking her her drink I accidentally spilt it all over myself. "You pathetic little girl, if you weren't so clumsy, then maybe you wouldn't spill my drink all over yourself! You ruined my entire day and now I have to wait longer for another drink to come! Maybe if you would learn how to walk then you wouldn't be working at this shitty diner!" The lady screamed at me. "I am so sorry. I will go make you another drink and bring it out as quickly as I can."I said sincerely. After I brought out her drink, she split it all over me and walked out the dinner. I tried so hard to hold my tears in but nothing was working. I finally went to the back and cried. "What's wrong Kae?" Sofia asked. "This lady came in and she was rude to begin with, and I accidentally spilled her drink on myself. She started yelling at me calling me clumsy and I apologized and brought her a new drink. When I gave it to her she threw it on me and stormed out of the place." Kae sighed. "I am so sorry that your day has just started out so terribly. I think I have an extra shirt in my car." Sofia said. "That would really help if you did. Thank you!"I said. Sofia ran out to her car to see if she had an extra shirt. In the meantime, I went to the bathroom to try and dry myself off. Luckily Rose covered my tables while I went to clean up. Sofia came back into the bathroom carrying a shirt. "There you are, I was looking all over for you. Here I had an extra in my car." She said. "Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done without you,"I said. "Well hurry up because this place is getting kinda packed. Rush hour is coming up."She said again. "Okay I will be out in 5 minutes."I said. "Okay." She said Sofia was walking out the door when she stopped at the door. "Oh and Kae?" She said, "Yes? " I turned to her. "I hope your day gets better."She said. "Me too sister. Me too." I whispered.

After changing shirts, I went back to serving people at my tables. It was a long day and it was finally closing time. I was wiping off counters and tables when a man cleared his throat. When I went to stand up I slipped and fell right into the most gorgeous man I have ever layed my eyes on. He was looking like nothing but sin. Like a man that was carved out like a Greek God. While still holding me he asked, "Ma'am, are you alright?" He said. "Yes, I am, God why do I have to be so clumsy." I let out. He let out the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard in all of my life. Standing up I wiped invisible dust off my uniform. "Thank you for breaking my fall." I let out again. "You're welcome." He replied. "Well you can sit anywhere you would like. We were just cleaning up because most people are gone, but can I start you off with anything to drink?" I said. "Yes, can I have some water please?" He said. "Coming right up!" I said. Giving the man his water I gave him about 5 minutes to look over our menu. "Have you decided on what you would like to eat?"I said. "Yes." He replied. After taking his order I told Blake that we had our last customer and what he would like to eat. While waiting for the food, I finished up cleaning the dinner and sat down in a booth. I hadn't eaten all day because Ezra got sick so I had to go get her. When I sat down to eat my meal this man decided to come and join me. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."He said. "Thank you!" I blushed. "Tell me, what is a girl like you doing working at a dinner?" He said. "Well life is tight and I'm having to raise my baby girl by myself." I replied. "Well you don't look old enough to have a child. How old is she?" He said. "Well I'm 24 so I guess I am old enough and she is 16 months old,"I replied. Right after I answered him Blake rang the bell that this man's food was done. After bringing his food I went and changed and checked on Ezra. She was awake and Sofia was keeping her acupided. After she saw me though she wouldn't let me finish up. So taking out to the lobby I went to check on the man. "Wow, She is the spitting image of you. She is such a beautiful baby." He said. "Thank you!" I replied. When Ezra saw the man she started reaching for him and was wiggling out my arms. Holding out his arms he asked, "May I?"he said. "Sure," I replied. Handing him Ezra they seemed to get along. I am so glad I have found someone who has not judged me for taking her to work and was open to hold her and that she would even let him hold her. Ezra started to cry so I picked her up to take her to the back. "I will be back, I pinky promise." I said. When I came back the man was gone. Leaving behind a hundrand dollar bill and a note. The note said "Here is a hundrand dollar keep the change ;)" Sofia came out from the back with her stuff. "Wow girl, looks like you got yourself a good tip. I guess your day just got a whole lot better." Sofia said. "That it did." I replied. "Well, are you ready?" Sofia said. "Yes. We better get home soon. It's getting to be Ezra's bedtime." I replied. While heading home I forgot about having to pick up Ezra's clothes. "Hey, do you think we can stop at Cute as a Button?" I said. "Yes, we can run by there." Sofia replied. Running into the store I got Ezra's clothes and was walking over to Sofias car, I turned the corner to see a guy holding a gun up to this man's head. "Please, I'll pay you back, I promise. Just please give me another month and you will have it all back!" The man pleaded. "I gave you 6 months to pay me back and alls you gave me was $300! Do you even know how much you owe me?" Said the guy holding the gun. "Yes, $10,000." The other guy pleaded again. "Yes, 10,000. That's not even 5% of what you owe me!" The man with the gun said. "I'm sorry please, I have a family!" The other guy pleaded. "Well maybe you should have thought about that before stealing from me." Said the man with the gun. The next thing I hear is gunshots. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed. The man holding the gun turned when he heard me scream. He was the same man from the dinner! I ran as fast as I could and jumped into Sofia's car. "Drive! Hurry up, we need to get out of here!" I yelled. "What is going on!" Sofia asked. I couldn't tell her. How could I explain to her I just witnessed a man kill someone. "I heard gunshots and I got so scared, I thought you died Kae." She said, "Just drive please." I pleaded. "I am, now please just explain!" Sofia said. "I will when I get Ezra to bed." I said. "Okay fine but you better tell me everything." She said, "I will, I promise." I said. Finally, I got Ezra put to sleep and in bed. "So explain to me what happened back at the store." Sofia said. "Well..." I told her everything. About the man holding the gun and the other pleading for his life. "Wow, that is a lot to take in." She said, "Yes it is and get this, that man from the dinner, was the one who shot him." I said. After that Sofia and I went to bed. I laid there wide awake for hours, just thinking about those 5 minutes I was in the alley. It kept running in my head until I finally fell asleep.

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