Chapter 3

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It's been two days and I haven't been able to sleep. The most gorgeous man ever is a killer. I watched him kill a man with no remorse that night. It haunts my dreams the past few days. Giving me only 3 hours asleep in total. I wish I would have just waited til the morning to pick up those clothes. If only.....

I was trying to get Ezra ready for bed when I heard a crashing noise. She started to fuss so I picked her up to calm her down. "She's in the back!' I heard a man scream. Starting to freak out I tried to figure out a place to hide. All the sudden a man runs in. "She's in here!" He yells. I try and run but he grabs me and covers my mouth with his hands. I start freaking out because Ezra is in my arms and I can't protect us at all. Another man comes in and stares at us. "She has the baby in her arms. Take the child while you take her to the car." Then the man holding me yells. The other man goes to take Ezra and I try to fight but in the end he ends up getting her. The man holding me turns me around and pins me against him so I can't move. "Get the diaper bag and anything that the child might need." The man yells. All the sudden more men come in and start grabbing everything they can take. "Let me go!" I yell. "No." He says. "Please there are a few things I have to get for her." I begged. "Fine but I will be following you around. You better not try anything." He says. "Fine." I said, Walking into my room I started to pack a bag full of everything Ezra will need. "Here." I handed the bag to the man. "Take care of her. Please make sure she gets put in a good home and that they will love her as much as I do." I said, and I started to cry just thinking about it. "Wow, I think you have a misunderstanding. We aren't going to take you away from your child. You are coming with us. Bosses orders." The man says. "Boss?" I asked. "Yes. Now let's go." I said l, When I turn to walk away I feel something prickle my neck. That's the last thing I remembered.

Waking up I found myself in a cold cell. It is nasty and it smells like death. I look around but all I see is concrete. Remembering what happened at my home I start to freak out. Where is Ezra? I can't find her anywhere. Then I hear the cell open. I run to try and escape but I run into a wall, or rather a very hard chest. Looking up I see that man. The one from the diner. "Hello." He says. "Where is she?" I asked. "Oh, the baby?" He said. "Yes! Where is she?" I asked again. "She is sleeping right now. She is doing well and is being taken care of. When she wakes I'll bring her down." He said. "No!" I yelled. "Oh?" He said confused. "I don't want her down here. She might get sick and I can't have her get sick." I told him. "Okay fine then." He said. "Why am I down here?" I asked. "Well you see..." he smirked. HE LITERALLY SMIRKED AT ME! "You saw something you shouldn't have and I can't have my business be spread around now can I?" He said. "No, But I haven't told anyone. Not a single soul." I told him. "Well I can't take my chances," he said. "So, what do you want from me?" I asked. "Well you are going to live with me. Do everything I tell you." He said. What! "The fuck no, I want to go home I won't do shit for you." I said. "Listen, the only reason you are not dead yet is because of that baby and I have taken a liking to you." He says, At that I flinched. "Fine. But I won't be hyoid personal slave. I will stay here but I will not do everything you say. I'll follow the rules but I have a life and Ezra needs to see her doctor for her shots. She is behind." I demanded. "Fine. I'll have my personal doctor take a look and get her up to date." He said. "Can I see her?" I asked. At that I heard her crying. A girl in a maid uniform came down. "Boss! She woke up and won't stop crying. I don't know what to do. I have tried everything." The man said. "Give her here." I said. He hands Ezra over and the man next to me, which hands her to me. "Hey. It's okay. Mommy is right here. It's going to be okay." I said. Turning to the maid I ask "How long has she been asleep?" "2 hours." She said, "Okay." I said, I finally get her to calm down and she starts to try and crawl out my arms. Is it ye Rhee up I let her look around. "Come. You need a shower and I'll give you a room. There is no point in you being down here anyways." The man tells me. When Ezra hears his voice she instantly starts to wiggle to get to him. He takes her and grabs my hand and starts to walk out the cell and up the stairs. "If there is no point in me being down there, why have me put down there?" I asked. "So I can keep an eye on you and so you won't escape." He said. "Then why have me come back up when I finally do wake up?" I asked again. "Because that baby needs its mom and you are right, she will get sick sleeping down there." That shocked me. He really does care for her. Hearing him say this makes me emotional. No one ever thought about Ezra. Not even Sofia. She never put her needs before anything else. It was always me. It's refreshing to hear someone else. Thinking about this makes me cry. When we finally get out the basement and up more stairs and takes me in a room. "I will have all the child's stuff put in gear for you. If you want I can watch her while you take a shower." He said. "Thank you very much. It's refreshing to hear someone besides me put her needs before anything else." I told him. "Well everyone should put the baby's needs above anything else." He said. "Ezra." I blurted. "What?" He said with confusion. "Her name is Ezra."I told him. "Ezra, That is a pretty name for a princess." He said. Smiling, I walked into the bathroom and saw a woman's soap and a towel already laying out. Turning the shower on I get the water to how I like it and jump into the shower. After my shower I get dressed. Trying to figure out where they might go, I head downstairs.

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