Chapter 2

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Being the CEO of the biggest company in the world is easy. Some think it's hard but this work is nothing compared to my other job. The company is the only thing that gives me a clean record. My other job is fun but gets very stressful. I am the Don of the Italian Mafia. Having to balance a company that keeps my record clean and ruling the underworld, it gets complicated. At least I have found a way to stay out the cops radar and can use them both to help each other.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Thats the sound of my alarm going off at 4:30 in the morning. Getting up and jumping in the shower I got ready for the gym. Working out is the most important part of my life. It lets me get my anger and helps me wake up and get ready to start my day. After my workout I jump in the shower and get the rest of my day started. "Lorenzo!" My best friend and second in command Massimo yelled. "What do you want!" I said. "The man you have been searching for has been located." He said. "Okay well have someone keep an eye on him, and I'll deal with him after I run by the office." I told him. "Okay sounds good." He said. The drive to my office was peaceful like always. Not a lot of people are the road yet and no one to bother me. Arriving at the office, Linda, my personal assistant, gave me all my meetings and work I had to do today. Of course I had to have 4 meets to deal with today. Getting ready for my first meeting I go in. "Mr. De Luca." The man said. "Mr. Rogers." I said. "I would like to discuss these properties with you." He told me. Finishing up that meeting, I went to my office to finally relax. About that time Linda walked in. "Mr. De Luca." She said, "What!" I yelled. "You seem stressed. Let me help you." She said, Taking off her clothes, Linda started to try and seduce me. Getting sick of her bullshit I pushed her off me and fired her ass. Finishing up the meeting and all my work I decided to deal with more important things.

Driving to the destination that Massimo gave me I decided to stop off at this little dinner to get something to eat. I seen that they was fixing to close but if I didn't eat right now I would pass out. Walking in I seen the most gorgeous girl that I have seen on the face of this earth. She went to stand from cleaning up fell so I reached out and caught her before she fell on the floor. Looking into her eyes she had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Deciding I have been starting to long I decide to ask her. "Ma'am are you okay?" I said. "Yes, I am, God why do I have to be so clumsy." She replied. Letting out a laugh she seemed to not have noticed she said that out loud. She stands up out of my arms and pretends to knock dust off her uniform. "Thank you for breaking my fall." She said, "You're welcome." I replied. "Well you can sit anywhere you would like. We were just cleaning up because most people are gone, but can I start you off with anything to drink?" She said again. "Yes, can I have some water please?" I said. "Coming right up!" She walked into the back and came back with my water. "Have you decided on what you would like to eat?" She asks. "Yes." I tell her my entire order and she goes back to tell the cook. While waiting for my food I decided to answer my emails. Most are from the company but I got this one that was from Massimo. Telling me they are ready. Shooting a text to him that I am eating and will be there in 10 minutes. Hearing footsteps I looked up and saw the waitress sitting down in the booth in front of me. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." I told her. "Thank you!" Her face goes beat red. . "Tell me, what is a girl like you doing working at a dinner?" I asked. "Well life is tight and I'm having to raise my baby girl by myself." She replied. "Well you don't look old enough to have a child. How old is she?" I said. "Well I'm 24 so I guess I am old enough and she is 16 months old." She said, Dang she ain't too much younger than me. But do I really wanna put up with a child? The bell rang signaling my food was done. She went and grabbed it and set it down. "Enjoy!" She said, She went into the back and when she came back she was in different clothes and had the cutest baby. "Wow. She is the spitting image of you. She is such a beautiful baby." I said. "Thank you!" She replied. When the baby saw me she started reaching for me to hold her. She was most likely going to wiggling out the waitresses arms. Holding out my arms I asked, "May I?" I asked. "Sure," she replied. Holding the baby I noticed that this girl had a distant look on her face. Almost like she has never seen this baby so happy. She started to cry so the waitress took her into the back. I got a call from Massimo saying I needed to come asap or he would get away. Leaving a hundred dollar bill and a note I left the dinner.

Driving as fast as I could to the location I found this man who owe me an great sum of money. I normally wouldn't care but he stole money from ME! MY BANK ACCOUNT! He was the one person I trusted with my money. Telling Massimo to put him in his knees I took my gun out and aimed it at him. "Do you know why I am here and not back at my penthouse?" I asked. "Please, I'll pay you back, I promise. Just please give me another month and you will have it all back!" The man pleaded. "I gave you 6 months to pay me back and all you gave me was $300! Do you even know how much you owe me?" I asked again. "Yes, $10,000." He said. "Yes,10,000. That's not even 5% of what you owe me!" I said very angrily. "I'm sorry, please I have a family!" He pleaded. "Well maybe you should have thought about that before stealing from me." I said. Getting sick of his bull shit excuses, I pull the trigger and end his life right there. "Ahhhhhh!" I hear a scream. Turning to see who screamed I see it's my waitress from the dinner. She turns around and runs off. "Shit." I mutter under my breath going to run after her. I see her jump in a car and they speed off. Deciding not to deal with this right now I head to the lent house to clean up. Told Massimo to get rid of the body and I decided to deal with this girl and her friend tomorrow morning.

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