Chapter 4

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This girl is going to be the death of me. I can never get her out of my head no matter how hard I try. That little girl of hers is just the spitting image of her. Locking her downstairs was the hardest thing for me to do. I stayed down there all night and would check on her every hour. Maybe just maybe I can win her over.

Kae jumps into the shower and I pick Ezra up. I decide to take her downstairs so that I can make some lunch. In the middle of cooking I hear a little giggle. Turning around there is Kaelynne, standing at the bottom of the steps in nothing but my shirt. It took everything in me not to walk over there and kiss her. "Like what you see?" She asks. I guess I have been staring to long. Oops. "Actually yes, I do like what I see. Maybe I can see this more often." "Don't get your hopes up mister, I still need clothes so if we are going shopping today." Turning back around to the food I ignore her comment and start playing up the food. "You hungry?" I ask her knowing full well she hasn't eaten in 2 days. "Very!" Handing her food I go and get Ezra and make her a small plate. I sit her in my lap and see if she wants to try some spinach Alfredo. Right as I'm about to put some in Ezra's mouth Kaelynne speaks up. "Oh My God! I have never tasted something this good." "Have you never had Alfredo before?" "Well yes but it's never tasted this good." Laughing, I take the spoon and put it in Ezra's mouth. She starts to kick and squeal. I start to freak out because I'm think I hurt her somehow. "Awwww. She loves it." "That's what you call loving it?" I ask. "She is litterky kicking a squealing. That is signs of happiness from her." "Well I'm glad that she likes it." Finishing our meal I got scrape the dishes and out then in the sink for the maids to wash up. Kaelynne takes Ezra from me saying "It's getting to be her nap time. I should go lay her down." This is giving me time to go to my office and work on some work.

After around 2 hours I was finally almost down with finishing up some documents. There was a knock on the door. "Come in" In came my second in command Massimo. "Your lovely lady is looking for you. I gotta say, she is fucking hot!" "You better ducking watch it or I will put a bullet right between your eyes." "Okay buddy sorry I said that." "Well send her in here I guess." "Will do." Standing up I straighten up my desk just in time for her to walk in, in the most beautiful dress I have ever seen on a woman. It was short but not too short and had the smallest straps ever which showed off her collarbone. Looking her up and down I said "Wow." "You like?" She asked doing a twirl. "Very much. Now let's go before we never leave." Taking Ezra from her we walked into my garage. "Pick a car. Any car that you want to ride in we will." "Um, what about a car seat for Ezra?" "Well i guess you will have to hold her. We will pick one up and anything else that she needs while shopping." "Well in that case let's take the Audi." Jumping in my all black Audi R8, we start to head into the middle of town. "What store do you want to stop off first?" "Can we go to like a baby store to get her a car seat?" "Absolutely." Driving down the main strip I go and pull into Baby Store di Boati Tiziana. Getting out the car I open the door for the girls to let them out. "It's a really nice day today." "Yes it sure is." Opening the door we finally walk in. Kaelynne immediately finds the car seats and gets the cheapest one she can find. "No, I'm not buying that." "How come?" She asks. "Because that little girl is going to have the best of the best. And plus those cheap ones don't really work good anyways." "Trovare tutto quello che stai cercando?" (Finding everything you are looking for?) A clerk asked. Turning to her, I see she is dressed like a slut. She has unbutton her top to show off her fake tits and ughhh I can't stand women like her. "In realtà io e la mia RAGAZZA stiamo cercando il tuo miglior seggiolino per la NOSTRA bambina. Preferirei quelli dietro." ( Actually me and my GIRLFRIEND are looking for your top car seat for OUR little girl. I would prefer the ones in the back.) "Te ne prendo uno." (I will get one out for you.) She turns around and try's to walk out sexyly but only Kaelynne can do that and she doesn't even know it. After about 5 minutes the clerk comes out with the cutest car seat and says "Questo è il nostro seggiolino auto più costoso, ma è il più sicuro e resistente" (This is our most expensive, but it is the top safest and strongest car seat.) " Ok, chiama (Okay, ring it up.) I told the clerk. After paying 182.396,00 Euros, we put the car seat into the car. "Thank you for paying top dollar for her. You really didn't have to do that." "Well I did because she deserves the world just like you, and I am not going to have her safety at risk because of something that's supposed to keep her safe." "Well thank you." "Anything for you my dear." Planting I kiss on her head I open the car door for her so we can stop off at the mall and do some shopping for her.

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