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yashasvi could not concentrate.

the last three balls he had played were dots. he could not even connect bat to ball.

they were currently chasing a target against australia in the semis of the t20 world cup and the asking rate was increasing since the past few balls.

yash had started well, he was on 30 of 15 ball and that's when the sledging started.

first their wicketkeeper then their slip fielders and the the bowler. all of them had started taunting yash regarding various aspects and he could not take it anymore.

he wasn't new to sledging as he had been playing cricket for a long time and even partook in it himself, but to find himself the centre of such bad taunts was a new and horrid experience for him.

as much as he wanted to, he just could not comcentrate on the balls coming his way as his mind kept replaying the words of the australian players.

shubman, who was standing at the other end of the crease, observed with a worried expression the state of his fellow youngster. he could see the normally confident yash become anxious for no fault of his and he could not bear the sight.

they both had gotten india to a good start but due to the last maiden over, the run rate was increasing rapidly.

yash was defending the balls which he would normally think for huge sixes and it scared shubman .

he wanted to get to the root of what exactly was bothering yash so much when he saw the wicketkeeper engage yash in a conversation and how the colour from the youngster's face drained as the conversation went on and shubman knew that the aussies were upto their usuals antics again . yash kept on fidgeting with his gloves, discomfort written all over him and shubman observed as his face lit up when the umpire announced the drinks break. he had never seen yash look so relieved and that was saying something as the boy usually thrived in pressure situations.

"what's wrong yash?"

"huh? what do you mean shub?? nothing's wrong ha ha," yashasvi chuckled nervously.

shubman narrowed his eyes at the boy in front of him, whose entire face screamed that he was anxious.

"yash...you're not paying any heed to what these kangaroos are saying right?? because if you are letting it get to your head....i will be very angry!"

" .....how did you..??"

"oh please! my debut was against them! i know all about their chirping!"

" it's just that....they're very mean bhaiya! i don't know how to handle their sayings!" he choked out a sob.

shubman's eyes widened at that and he put one gloved hand over yash's and asked in a comforting voice ," tell me yash. what did they say??"

yashasvi avoided shubman's eyes and started,
"tha-that i can't win india this match and that i wasn't made for this level and that with my dots i'm just a burden to the team, i should've never been in the team and also they said i should get out quickly otherwise they would have to resort to other methods to get me out!" he told in a single breath.

"oh yash..." shubman breathed as he hugged the younger one who has tears in his eyes.

" you wouldn't be playing a fucking world cup if you weren't an amazing player right? the fact that everyone trusts you enough to win the game that they're chilling in the dressing room speaks for itself! i know that it's hard to block those annoying words out but...just try to do it pls! for india? i know you're capable of bashing these aussies single handedly if you just used those stupid ,worthless words as a motivation to smash all the balls out of the ground!"

shubman rubbed yash's back to comfort him. yash just gripped him tighter.

"just a few more minutes bhaiya! your hugs are so comforting!"

shubman just chuckled at him.

"you'll be there na with me till the end? to guide me again if they say anything hurtful? to make sure i don't lose my way again?"

"i'll always be there for you. right till the end and if they try something again they'll have to face me and you know how scary i'm when i'm angry right yash?"

"no offence bhaiya but you pout when you're angry...that's not really scary....", his voice trailed off at the look shubman gave him.

" here i am, trying to comfort my favourite youngster and this is how i'm thanked? im hurt yash!" he said dramatically.

" yes yes shubi bhaiya you're the scariest. there, happy?"

"good. now come one wipe those tears off and drink this water! we have some kangaroos to beat," shubman smirked.

" and remember, the more they talk shit, the bigger your hits should be !"

yashasvi smiled at that statement and looked at shubman with a fond look in his eyes," thank you so much bhaiya! i will make you so proud by hitting those sixes just you wait and watch!"

and there was truly no one more proud than shubman when yashasvi hit the winning boundary to the same bowler who had sledged him before, thus securing them a place in the finals.

yashasvi ran towards shubman and lifted him up in the air, almost twirling him around.


yashasvi did put him down, but then pulled him into a bone crushing hug and their other teammates rushed into the field, engulfing them both into an even bigger hug.

"i'm so thankful for you shubi! if you weren't there i could've never handled that situation in a good way!"

shubman looked at yash, whose eyes were glistening with happy tears and he smiled a wide smile, two dimples poking from his cheeks.

yashasvi almost burst into ( happy ) tears at that look from shubman directed towards him.

"yash..i'm the one who should be thankful to
you actually! if you hadn't hit those sixes and shut them all up, who knows maybe they would've seen 'the great shubman gill wrath'! and it wouldn't have been pleasant for anyone...." shubman said, trying to glare at the other team, which just made him look like an angry kitten who was denied his food.

" aawww bhaiya!! you're sooo cuteee!!" yash pulled shubman's cheeks.

shubman swatted his hands away.

" CUTE? I WILL SHOW YOU CUTE JUST YOU WAIT JAISWAL!" shubman screamed as he ran behind a laughing jaiswal, trying to catch him and make him regret ever calling him cute.

"don't they remind you of us ro?" virat said, watching the young pair running around the ground, arguing.

he turned towards rohit, who was also watching the ongoing scene with a fond look in his eyes.

"hmm totally...you also pout when you're angry...sort of taking away from the whole 'i'm so angry' plot " rohit snickered.

" I DO NOT ? I AM SCARY WHEN IM ANGRY ROHIT! you have said so yourself!!"

"maybe i just said it...just because....you know woh..."

soon, the field was filled with two pairs, one running after the other, laughing loudly at the supposedly angry ones.

and if the whole team agreed with yash and rohit's sentiments, they definitely did not show it on their faces, not wanting in the least to be on the bad side of two of their most adored boys.


i had almost forgotten about this book hehe!

as y'all can tell, yash and shub are my new obsession. they're just so bbygirl coded😭

also, thank you to @MoonCloud_xX for the story prompt 🩷

enjoy the story💗💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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