Chapter 5: The End... Or Is It?

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I bumped into the car causing the kidnapper to suddenly jerk forward. He pulled the trigger, but luckily it didn't hit Donny. Donny then whipped her head back up and turned her head slightly. I looked over to see what she was staring at and saw that she was staring at the Happy Hills fountain. I already knew what she was thinking...I loved it. I decided to bump the car again to give her a head start. As soon as I did she began speeding towards the Happy Hills water fountain. The kidnapper lifted his head one moment too late, Donny rammed the car into the Happy Hills fountain causing both of them to be knocked out. I got out of the car as the people around us began to form a crowd, I broke the glass window and opened the door grabbing Donny. The police quickly arrived and took care of the helper. I promptly rushed Donny over to the local hospital hoping she was okay. After what felt like hours, they said I could enter her room. Donny was sitting up, looking out the window when she turned her head and smiled. She attempted to get out of the hospital bed but I sat her back down. Donny chuckled and said,

" Is the great detective worried about li'l 'ol me?"

In a teasing manner," Yes...I am"

I replied shamelessly, the smile faded from her face as a slight blush replaced it.

She looked down and said," You guys got him?"

I simply nodded and sat next to her on the bed, "I'm sorry for everything,"

Donny added, I merely wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap, hugging her.

"None of this was your fault, You are just as innocent as you and me" I replied, As she hugged me back. I gently rubbed her head since it was wrapped with bandages, I decided to drive her home since they said that if I signed her out right now she could go home. I kissed her on the cheek, She gave me a peck on the lips and went inside her house. It was quite the day...A case solved...And a kiss from an old friend, It was midnight so I began driving home when I noticed something at the Happy Hills fountain, It was the car that I chased the kidnapper and Donny was in. I decided to get closer when I noticed something strange...The gun...It wasn't there? I got inside the car slightly and Began frantically searching for the gun but It wasn't there. I then recounted the day...Donny said she saw Aubrey dragging a black body bag when it was raining......But donyai had just arrived back at the bakery that night...What was she doing there after hours? Unlike Aubrey, Donyai's home wasn't built into the house so why was she coming back so late? Aubrey didn't say why and Just claimed that she didn't even go looking for donyai that night, The helper said that he was helping Donyai...But with what? They also said that they saw him carrying a body bag near the Shop...And that Donyai was selling slimes and Desserts based on who died...It all clicked as I drove back to Donyai's house, Realizing the truth 

The Noir series: The Dilemma of the Missing People on Blackson StreetWhere stories live. Discover now