Chapter 6: Confession

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(Warning: Gore, mention of an among us song, dead bodies, mention of an Amanda the adventurer song)

I arrived at Donny's house. The door was unlocked...I opened it and saw only a table in the middle of the hallway...I was hesitant to walk over, I looked down to make sure there was no string. I then walked over carefully, there was a note on the table, I picked it up and read it:

Hey! LOOK OUT BEHIND! HEY LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! We got double-killed never mind dude.

I then heard a creak behind me. I turned around only to be hit with a great force that knocked me out. Later on, I woke up in a dark dingy place, it smelled oddly enough of baking supplies. I quickly realized where I was as I attempted to escape but all was in vain, I had been chained down to an electric chair, I heard a door open and close followed by the sound of someone walking down some wooden steps. They were humming a song, and I immediately recognized it, it was in the tune of what I had read before I got knocked out. I looked at the real cannibal of Happy Hills: Donny...

"Is this usually where they confess everything or should I let you say it?" She said, getting close to my face.

"Say it.." I replied with a scowl.

"Well then! It's quite clear that I'm the real cannibal of Happy Hills but that's not just it, Audrey had a large clue that it was me when I let my helper inside the bakery in the dead of night yesterday but due to our contract she couldn't say anything without risking her legal safety, my helper knew what was going on and-"

I cut her off by saying: And you had him fake the kidnapping so you can look innocent or get out of town, she looked back at me, her eyes woeful...

"No actually...He had finally had enough and tried to do me off...But luckily! My knight in shining armor had figured most of the case out and came to my rescue!"

Donny squealed with delight, I scoffed as she smiled and picked up a large gun. "Now...Let's make a deal...

I looked at her confused and repeated what she said, Let's make a deal?" She got closer and kneeled."Well...Recently I noticed that our little town jail is getting a bit too full so... I want you to help me with that," she said as she placed the gun against my cheek as if she were rubbing it across my face.

"You want me to let you eat them?" I said."

No...I want you to help me help US eat them."

"Us?" I replied quickly realizing what she meant. Good god...HAVE YOU BEEN FEEDING US HUMAN FLESH!?" I yelled in anger."

You're smart!" Donny replied.

"I WOULD N-" I began to yell, only to be cut off. 

"Now, now...Let's not reject the idea so quickly...You seem to forget that I have the high ground here, aside from the electric chair and gun, I can kill you at any moment...You wouldn't want that...Right?" I merely glared at Donny,

" I would rather die..."

I replied, It wasn't reassuring when she started to giggle and chuckle. She then dropped the gun and Backed up. She turned the light on to reveal something horrific: The missing people. Dead corpses surrounded me, there were cages full of corpses except for one...One person was still alive but they no longer seemed human...Their clothes were torn, their hair was long and wild, their nails were sharp, and their mouth...It was filled to the brim with rotting corpses.

"Is this the life you wish for? To either be fed to my little cannibal pet... Or to become one yourself?" Donny chuckled before she continued,

" Not that you wouldn't look dashing either way." I looked at her, completely shocked that she went so far as to torture these people this way.

"So... My little detective... Which path will you choose? And choose wisely...You've only got one shot..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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