My favourite hyung!(Platonic)

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Jimin placed his books inside his bag, swinging it around his shoulders.The classes were finally over and that meant going home and relaxing.

Annual exams were after a few months so Jimin didn't have to worry much.He was naturally clever and had the ability to memorise stuff in a short period of time.Thats the reason he was always under top 3 ranks.

He walked along the corridor, whistling a random tune when he heard a sob.

It seemed like it was coming from the common room.Jimin took the left turn and walked inside room.

A small boy was crouched on the floor,his chin on his knees, clearly crying his heart out.

Jimin spoke softly as he dropped to his knees, ruffling the boys hair.The boy leaned into his touch.Jimin wrapped his arms around the little figure, rubbing circles on his back.

"Calm down"

The boy continued letting out muffled cries.Jimin held him close, whispering soothing words.When the boy finally calmed down,he looked at Jimin with huge doe eyes and parted lips

"I failed my math test"

Jimin tried his best not to coo at the adorable boy.

"It's ok, it's ok.What's your name?"

the boy spoke putting his hand forward for Jimin to shake.

"Jungkook,I am Jimin hyung"

Jungkook nodded
"How old are you?"

"I am 17,what about you Kookie?"

"I am 10"

Jungkook said, pouting as another tear drop balanced on his eye lid.
Jimin wiped it away

"Hyung is here Kookie, I'll help you in maths,is that okay with you?"

Jungkook shook his head
"No,no,I don't need help,I am clever"

"I know bub.I'll make it fun.We can solve questions together"

Jungkook looked up,'thinking' his decision before he nodded.

"Ok hyungie"

So Jimin now had a new mission and that was to help Jungkook pass his upcoming tests.He spoke with Jungkook's class teacher who had been really understanding.

She told him that Jungkook did good in almost all subjects and his weak point was numbers.

He often got his numbers confused and didn't perform proper calculations.Jimin made sure to sit with Jungkook everyday after school for an hour atleast.

He brought his books as well so it seemed more like they were hanging out instead of tuitions.

He painted colourful posters with huge numbers printed on them and asked questions everyday.It was difficult initially since Jungkook got distracted after every minute or so.Jimin also gave Jungkook lots of snacks and small gifts to keep his spirit going.

They were in class one day when Jungkook solved an advanced question correctly.

"Kookie,this is correct! Explain how did you do it"

"I added the counterparts first"

"Clever boyy"
Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair.

"Will I get a gift hyung?"

Jimin removed a chocolate from his bag, handing it to Jungkook.
Jungkook accepted it.He broke it into two pieces, bringing one to Jimin's mouth.

"How is it hyungie?"

"Really good,eat yours"

Jimin realised how fun it was to have an younger sibling.Although he and Jungkook weren't related by blood,he always felt like an older brother towards Jungkook and he was incredibly proud of how far Jungkook had come in terms of math solving skills.

At the end of year, students were allowed to make speeches and Jungkook walked upto to the podium, dressed up in suit.He looked mature for a 10 year old.

Good evening teachers and my fellow friends
My name is Jungkook from class 5, section b.

I want to make a thankyou speech for a very special person.

My Jiminie hyung.

Just a few months back,I had failed multiple math tests.I was just devastated and didn't know what to do.

But then Jiminie hyung came like an angel,he helped me improve my math and in the process taught me a lot of life lessons.

He is like an older brother I never had.We spent a lot of time studying together, making jokes, eating together,it was extremely sweet.

He also spoiled me with a lot of gifts and food using his own money,I do feel a bit guilty but I promise hyungie that as soon as I start making money, I'll make it up to you.

Thank you for believing in me when I couldn't.

Thank you for not giving up on me.

Because of you math is my favourite subject now.I still find numbers to be a bit tricky,but I have learnt to love them.

Love you hyungie!

Your little brother,

Jimin felt tears in his eyes.To see Jungkook all grown up and mature.
As soon as Jungkook came down,he ran towards Jimin,who immediately took him into a warm embrace

"I am so proud of you Kookie,I love you"

"I love you too hyungie"

"Jungkook,comee hereee"

Jimin let go of Jungkook looking around for the whiny voice.

A girl of about Jungkook's age was standing in the corner,arms crossed and a pout on her lips.

"I am coming Ginny.Bye Jiminie hyung"

"Bye Kookie"

Jimin said with an amused smile as he saw them exit the class,arms around each other's shoulders.

Not my best but I just realised that ppl in general give less importance to platonic love.It is one of the purest forms of love out there.When you platonically love someone,you don't want to date them but you just want to be by their side, listen to them,help them,not because you desire them but because you admire them.It's honestly so beautiful (Vmin are the literal definition of platonic soulmates)
We should start normalising physical affection between friends like kissing on cheeks,on forehead, cuddling, hugging, holding hands, feeding....maybe even a friendship peck on the lips?idk depends on the level of comfort and trust tbh.

Thank youu♥️💜

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