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Warning- 1)Bullying, depression,self hatred and other sensitive topics!

2)This is not realistic...a magical kind of story.

Jungkook pov


I sighed, pulling my shirt up and looking into the mirror.The scars and cuts on my pale white skin made me want to puke.I hated myself.I hated every part of my body,my skinny hands,my legs,my face filled with acne and pimples,my smile that revealed two front teeth, everything about me was ugly and unacceptable.

As much as I wanted to love myself,I just couldn't.I couldn't force myself to love myself.I hated my voice.I hated looking the world in the face.I hated people.More so because I could never gather the courage to talk to them.
I hated my school.Being a 15 year old wasn't easy.We had to study a lot,get good marks,play sports,write tests, decide what we wanted to be in the future,it was all too much for my dull brain.

I never let anyone come closer to me.I was scared of affection.I was scared of people who actually cared.I always pushed them away.I didn't deserve love.No one could love a pathetic person like me.


I finished my assignment and placed it on the teachers table, ignoring the wide eyes and glares of my classmates.They hated me because I always did my work on time.I tripped against someone's leg while coming back and fell on my knees.I immediately stood up,not daring to look straight as I muttered a string of sorrys amongst all the laughter and bickering and pulled myself out of the hell hole.

"Hey,do you need food? You look like an ugly duck"

"Omg,he is so skinny,I can see his bones"

Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

I squeezed my eyes, trying to control my tears as I clutched my backup tighter, making my way to the bus.
Another one hour of hell and I'll back to my room,my safe haven.


I stepped on a log.But I didn't fall.I kept walking towards the clusters of bushes and trees and shrubs and huge mushrooms and wild flowers.

A boy.

I closed my eyes and opened them again.He was still there.He had black long hair that was tied into a pony tail,his pale cheekbones and mellow cheeks,his bangs and twinkling star earrings.

His eyes were deep blue,ocean blue.The kind of blue that makes you instantly drawn,that hypnotizes you, that makes you forget everything else.We made eye contact and for some reason I got scared.
Because I could see that he cared about me.I could see the affection in his eyes.Almost as if he pitied me.And I didn't want that.

I woke up,my face sweating and body burning.I put on my socks and went to the washroom, puking out the remaining food in my system.I needed to feel lightheaded.It was a dream.But it felt real.Too real.


I snapped out of my thoughts and put on a smile for my mom.The smile wasn't fake.It had a reason.It was to make my mom worry less about me.

"I made sandwiches, please eat okay?
I nodded, taking the plate from her hand.I locked my door and kept the plate on my table,soon plopping myself on the bed.I couldn't stop thinking about the boy.He was beautiful.

Same path.Same log.Except this time,I tripped.I felt the cut in my knee getting deeper,red blood oozing out of it.
"You should be careful,Jungkook"

I flinched at the voice.It was heavenly,it was magical,almost unreal.
He tended to my cut using a first-aid kit.I was in awe the whole time.I realised he wasn't perfect after all.He had scars over his pale face,a golden line just above his eyebrow.

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