Paper planes

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Jungkook walks down the road that widens at the edges,filled with trees on either side,some artificial,doing a good job at fooling people and others real,living life by mostly swaying.

The lane then splits into two smaller parts and Jungkook takes the left one.There are huge houses,green,yellow,white and apartments with kids waving at windows and women and men hanging clothes in their balconies.

He opens the gate to his own apartment,huge and grand,just the usual.The security gaurd is nowhere near by and Jungkook notices something unusual.

A boy of about his age is standing near the corner.He has a tuft of black hair,all messy and soft and pale skin that glistens under the bright sun.He looks apprehensive and nervous.He notices Jungkook's stare and runs upto him

"Heyy.... actually....I think I lost my there's a dog inside...."

Jungkook nods understanding the situation.

"Wait here"
he says and goes inside the basement.

Tuffy greets with barks and a huge lick on his ankle.
"Good girl"
he cooes and takes the ball.

It's a basketball.He goes outside to find the boy right there,where he had left him.
"There you go"

The boy's face lights up and a small smile appears on his lips
"Thanks! See ya"

He jogs away with the ball, dribbling it on the ground.Jungkook feels a sense of foreboding,like this is not the last time he is going to meet the 'new' boy.

Well he is right.

A few days later,Jungkook takes his art supplies and goes up to his terrace.

The sun is warm and comforting and has a golden yellow glint.The air is humid and dry.A nice weather to be outside.Away from the dull headache of the four walls he lives inside.

He sets up his canvas and sits on a stool, trying to think and come up with ideas.He looks around and finds a familiar someone.The same boy from before.

The boy is on the adjacent rooftop,with a bunch of books.He looks nerdy with glasses and his hair swept sideways.

He is biting his pencil,and writing something on a paper.Jungkook finds his hands going to his paint brush and he allows them to do whatever they want.

After an hour or so,he has a beautiful sketch of the boy.The boy looks happy and colourful and vibrant with rainbow hair.The eyes look the same.Brown and deep and a glimpse of mischief in them.
'the boy'
Jungkook writes and signs.

He has a habit of giving titles to his work, it's more methodical and actually shows that the artist is aware of his art.The boy fortunately doesn't notice him staring or so Jungkook thinks.

"What are you doing here?"
Jungkook asks.

It's a day after Jungkook painted the unknown boy on a piece of paper.
The night sky looks gorgeous with twinkling stars and a stunning moon, covered with magical freckles.

Jungkook is standing near the railing of his tiny balcony.And beside,on the farther corner is another balcony,but with the boy.The other balcony is covered with lights and a small fridge.

Jungkook's balcony is empty,just traces of paint and lingering ideas and broken pencils,filled with dust.

The boy shrugs
"Watching stars"

He says simply.As if it's something he does on a daily basis.As if it's normal.

"What about you?" He asks.

He is wearing a pink hoodie and sweat pants and his hair is flying against the wind.

Jungkook doesn't know what he is doing here.He hardly ever comes here.But tonight his feet brought him here.The universe made sure he is here, talking to the boy,whose name he doesn't know.An unknown boy who lives in the canvas Jungkook had safely put inside his drawer.

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