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Harmony's POV-

I got done with my shift at the video store and pulled into my house. I sat in my 1975 Chevy Silverado, looking at the door to my house. 'God, do I have to be home?'

After about ten minutes of sitting in my driveway I finally got out and walked in to the shit show that is my life.

As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted with my mom and step dad in a drunken fight. Arguing about who knows what.

"I'm home if either of you care." I say towards the living room as I pass by.

"Hey you little shit get over here!" My step dad yells at me.


"Because I think you stole my pipe and your mother seems to think differently. So where the hell is it?" He slurs while yelling still.

"I'm sorry Kenneth, but I did not steal your meth pipe. And I would never touch anything like that now I'm going to bed." I say turning around to go upstairs.

"Then who did huh?"

"Babe she said she didnt so get over it." My mom stated trying to get him to calm down.

"Shut the fuck up, you lying whore. Where the hell did it go?"

"I dont fucking know!" I yell slamming the bedroom door behind me. I really had no idea, and the fact that he would accuse me of such a thing is sicking.

I heard him stumble up the stairs after me, and lock my bedroom door. He installed a lock when my mother and I moved in when I was about five.

"Stay in there where you belong!" He yells from the other side of the door. 'Yea right.'

I looked out my bedroom window, and saw that my one of my best friends was home. Good. I sent him a text asking if it was okay to come over. He said yes.

I changed into a more comfortable sweater, and opened my window. This was a very normal thing, me to sneak out my window.

I climbed out the window, feet on top of the garage roof, and walked over to the side and jumped down. I've been jumping off the roof since I was seven, a few sprained ankles here and there but nothing serious. I walked across the street, and walked through the door.

"Oh hello Harmony!" Mr. Stilinski says surprised that I had come through the door he was about ready to leave through.

"Hey Sheriff." I smile.

"Cant talk long gotta go, but isn't late?"

"Yes but I wont be long promise." I say.

"Okay well hes up in his room. Have a good day at school tomorrow." He says before running out the door.

I walked up the familiar staircase, and went to his room.

"Hey got your hiking boots on?" Stiles asks as I walk through the door.

"No but my converse are fine to hike in why?" I ask looking at my very beaten up pair of Chuck Taylors.

"Cause my dad just got a call about a body in the woods. Let's go get Scott." He says very excited.

"Okay. That's better than being at home." I say following him down the stairs I just walked up.

A few minutes later and we where stopped at Scott's house.

Stiles had a plan to surprise Scott, and I opted to stay in the jeep as we'd all end back in here anyways. I got settled in the back seat, as Stiles did his thing.

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