Chapter 1: Dinner And Some Surprises

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10 years later...

(Ethan Winters POV)

Finally, after a long time training at boot camp with Chris. I can finally come home to my wife and my 2 kids. I hope you're doing OK, after I've been gone because I miss all of then while I was gone.

As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I could see my way through the window, she was making diner whooe i can see one of my kids playing in the living room with the tv on. When I got inside, my son ram up to me and hugged me and screamed dad as he hold on tight.

A small smile creep upon my face as I wrapped my arms around my son and held him in my arms. I walked in the kitchen to see my wife cooking dinner along with our daughter who is in her highchair and by the looks of it, she was hungry.

As soon as I walked in the kitchen, Mia looks up at me and y/n. She smiles at both of us, gently i put my son down and he runs back to the living room to watch the TV and play. Mia was watching as the little boy ran back into the living room. 

I walk up to my daughter and pick her up out of her chair and held her in my arms as she lays her head up against my chest. I walk up to my wife and give her a kiss on the forehead.

I then walk off and look around my house and see all the stuff I kept over my life, but I also wanted to take a look around my house for a bit.

(Authors note: this is basically what he was doing)

(Authors POV)

The young father kept walking around the house with his now sleeping child. Rosemary fell asleep in his arms as he was walking around the house, it was probably like five minutes until she will pass it out.

The small walk had to a little bit quicker than he thought because soon as he made it back to the kitchen, his phone started to ring. When he grabbed his phone out of his pocket to see who was called him, he couldn't believe it was none other than Chris himself. Ethan didn't know why he would be calling him especially at this time of night and right before dinner.

Ethan decided to answer the phone right away anyway. As soon as he answered it, Chris was already talking.

Chris: Hello Ethab, I'm sorry to interrupt you and your wife, but I have to tell you about your son.

Ethan then froze after he heard what Chris was talking about. Why would Chris talk about his son. It. Made Ethan nervous to even think about talking about it, specifically his son.

Ethan: why...what's this about Chris?

Chris: all you need to know is that your son is not actually your son. I was the one that dropped him off at your house when he was a baby.

Ethan stood there shock, now if he knew who the guy was driving the black van and took off when he got home.

Chris: oh...and before I go, your son is not what you think he is. Let's just put it simply that he's....from another family.

As soon as Chris said that, he hanged up as quick as a mouse. Ethan stood there shock, he couldn't believe that his son that he and his wife adopted took in was from another family.

Now that was a lot to be on his mind, especially what he's been thinking about now. But, there was one thing that he was thinking about now. Buy, there was one thing he was thinking about at this moment.

Ethan: *his mind* if you are what he says you are. Then where are your parents, where is your family, where did you come from?

He was too fat lost in his mind, he didn't realize that his wife is calling to him telling him it was time for dinner. He puts his phone back in his pocket and walks into the kitchen, putting Rosemary in her Booster seat, then sit down and ears with his wife and children. But, his head was still filled with those thoughts as he was eating and he couldn't get it off his mind, but he tried to push it away. He went back to eating with his family, but they thought was still on his mind.

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