Gnani With Youth

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Questioner: Do we achieve success through hard work? Or through merit karma?

Pujyashree: Actual success is the result of past merit karma. If one does not have merit karma, then he will get failure and if his merit karma is on the rise, then even with less effort, he will achieve success. If one does not have any merit karma, then he will get failure, even if he works very hard. If you want to understand even further... Live for the happiness of others. There is no need to live for the benefit of our own self. If you take benefit by hurting others, then you will definitely bind demerit karma.

Dada says, "If you give happiness to others, then you will bind merit karma and if you hurt others, then you will bind demerit karma."

      The result of demerit karma is failure, difficulty, obstacles and obstructions, whereas the result of merit karma is happiness, peace, wealth and success.

      Stop hurting others. Don't commit any offences. Our life today is the fruit of past life's seeds, which will either give us success or failure. Don't go out of control with pride if you achieve success. Understand that it is due to good circumstances and past merit karma. If you get failure, try again and understand that you are settling your past life's account. Try more and slowly finish that worldly dealing.

Questioner: Pujyashree, I have seen for many people, that they do not achieve success even if they work very hard, and some just achieve success without any effort.

Pujyashree: This is all due to the past life's account of merit and demerit karma. What do people do? They run after success. What do we teach? We teach you to live your life without hurting others. The result of which will bind merit karma and that will automatically yield benefits as per your wish. We can never achieve happiness by hurting others.

So, live your life with just one goal, 'I do not want to hurt anyone.' If you give happiness to others, that is best. If not, at least don't hurt others. Do not hurt anyone for your own benefit. Decide that 'I do not want to hurt anyone for my own selfish reason, for money, or for my own comfort.' The result of which you will gain everything, including success, happiness, peace and wealth.

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