Chapter IV - Last of the Elves

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Krysté was back in her armor, riding on horseback to the destination described in her orders. She arrived in the Shadow Wood, named so for the thick treetops that blocked out the sun. The Elven Knight slowed her horse to a walk as she tuned her ears, concentrating on the chirping birds and woodland animals. She picked up on the chatter of voices a few meters west and dismounted, clutching her Blod'ven's hilt and approaching slowly.

Krysté stopped behind a tree and spotted them. There was a Human male and an Elven female conversing, and they wore the crest of the Kristenalian Guard. "Hello?" She said, stepping out from behind the tree. The Knights turned and met her gaze.

"Right, I thought I heard someone out there." Said the woman. Her skin was dark and despite her youth, her hair was white. She had striking red eyes and golden lips. "My name is Vana. It's nice to be in the company of my own kind once again."

(Elven Lady Knight pictured, art by me

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(Elven Lady Knight pictured, art by me.)

"Indeed." Krysté looked her up and down, noticing the coloration of her armor and how it differed from her own. "I'm Krysté, of Wo'enne Forest. I've recently been re-assigned from the outpost near the Toxic Rot."

"No kidding." The Human said. "That place was my own stomping grounds. Back before it had that ghastly name." The man wore battle scars on his face. He looked as if he hadn't slept a day in his life. His hair was short and brown and his eyes were a shade of amber.

"I've come on behalf of Lord and Lady Galier back in the Royal City." Krysté said.

"Then, you know our mission, yes?" Vana asked.

"I do." Krysté answered. "We're to locate the resident Werewolf and retrieve the stolen heirloom of House Galier."

"Right then. Now that we're all on the same page, I suggest we regroup at camp." The Human said. "Name's Grunth. I'm the commander of this infantry. Pleasure to be working with you, Krysté." He offered his hand for a shake, but Krysté merely stared at it.

Vana cleared her throat. "Let's get going, shall we?"

Krysté retrieved her horse and followed the other Knights to their camp, where she was greeted by the smiling faces of her peers. Her face remained stoic as Vana introduced her to the camp.

"Gather round, everyone." She said, holding her hand out to Krysté. "This is Krysté, a Knight who comes to us from the Toxic Rot. She was recommended for this task due to her exemplary service against the demon hordes. While she's with us, it's expected you show her the upmost respect. Have you anything to say to the troops, Dame Krysté?"

Krysté scanned over the camp of Knights. She noticed a certain gleam in their eyes. One that made the distinct lack of enthusiasm regarding her presence at her previous post all the more noticeable in hindsight. "Oh,'s an honor to serve among you. That is all."

Knight Commander Grunth knocked her on the shoulder. "Welcome to the legion!"

The Knights cheered. They spoke amongst themselves and Krysté's ears could pick out their conversations, although their words weren't of the usual degrading sort she'd come to expect of Humes.

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