Chapter VI - Kindred Spirits

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The Kristenalian Knights, after trading information with the Zalanian army, regrouped in the Royal City. While the officers like Captain Ulrich and Commander Grunth had their hands full reporting casualty numbers, details of the battle with the Demoness, and strategizing the Guard's next moves with King Trevan and Kristenalian informants, Krysté and her allies were unburdened by the aftermath of their victory.

Krysté and Vana sat on the edges of Queen Marissa's fountain while Rynor studied his arcane texts in the shade of an awning.

"The men are excited, you know." Vana said while watching Krysté's reflection rippling in the steady fountain water. "We fought the Demoness and lived. They're telling stories of us in barracks across the Kingdom right now."

"It's not like we beat her." Krysté said, watching an old man on his balcony feeding pidgeons. "Nothing has changed. The World is still in jeopardy. The Elven people are scattered and dying. The Demons remain a constant threat."

"Yes, and no." Rynor cut in.

"What was that?" Krysté asked, glancing over at the mage, whose eyes barely peeked through beneath the brim of his hat.

"It's true. The war is hardly won." Said the Mage. "The daily lives of men and women around Kristenalia haven't changed. Their hearts, their minds, however? They've been touched by heroic tales of Knights who sent the big bad Demoness slithering back to hell."

"Exactly!" Vana agreed. "I keep trying to tell you, Krysté, this storybook hero thing suits you, yes?"

"Would you cut that out already?" Krysté snapped at Vana. "You know how I feel about that."

"Mhm, I do." Vana giggled. "I just think it's adorable how hard you fight against it!"

"What?" Krysté said. "Listen, we're not—"

"Ladies, please!" Rynor closed his book, then stood, tucking the arcane text beneath his arm and tipping his hat. "While we sit here discussing the merits of our work, Nora plots from her dark throne. If we are to overcome this enemy, we mustn't idle long."

"What do you expect us to do?" Krysté asked. "We still haven't received new orders. Nobody knows where to find Nora. Until we know where to look, she's beyond our reach."

"Precisely." Rynor nodded. "Which is why I propose an Alliance between the Order of Magi and the Kingdom of Kristenalia."

"Are you serious?" Krysté asked, flaring her eyes at the Mage.

"Quite so." Said Rynor as he strolled up to the fountain, a smirk beneath his collar. "You see, I'm a respected member of the Order myself. Not quite a master Wizard or anything, but I've had a remarkable career as an Arcanist for a man my age."

"So what?" Krysté grimaced. "You could be a court jester for all I care. Are the Magi really going to agree to an Alliance just because you suggested it?"

"No." Rynor sat between Krysté and Vana, gazing up at the statue of the historic Queen Marissa in the gleaming sunlight. "But when the woman who sent Nora back to the depths mentions it to her senior officers? That'll certainly turn some heads, wouldn't you agree?"

"Ugh, I'm not who you think." Krysté glanced away. "I don't have that kind of influence. I'm only a Private. Maybe I've got people talking, but it doesn't mean I can sway the Kingdom towards an Alliance. It doesn't work like that."

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