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You sit in the crammed train, your bags above you. New soldiers and others alike. standing and sitting on their way to special training, all having passed the entrance course.

You let out a heavy sigh as you try to toon out the loud chatter and noise of the train.
That's what you get for not charging your headphones, Y/N.

The train comes to a halt, and people file out, rising into the bus. As you find a seat, your eyes scan for other women, only a little handful, maybe 7 or 8 others...
Hopefully, there will be more at the base.

"Y/N! Come 'ere!" A voice calls from the back of the bus, the voice of a guy you'd rather not deal with. Michael, this migraine inducing, aneurism causing man was the last person you hoped to be here.

You'd dated him through your graduation year, and despite telling him that you wanted to wait till you were older or till marriage, he had still when you were 17 and him 19 gotten you drunk and into bed with him. You had felt sick and hurt the next morning, and the two of you broke up.

You don't answer and put your head down
You arrive at the base and get in line with the rest. A man called John Mctavish shows you and the others around.
The womens barracks only had 8 bunks, 4 on each wall making for 16 women.
Whilst the mens barracks had 20 bunks making for 40 men on base (not counting the COs rooms)

When you and the other women have unpacked, you all go to the mess hall and sit down.
You sit next to a girl called Laura and make small talk, trying not to break under Michael's gaze.

"So, why did you enlist?" You smile.

"Well... parents pressured me, family traditions too be in the military for at least 5 years, what about you...Y/N was it?"

You nod. "Yes, it's Y/N, I enlisted cuz...well, I... wanted to help people and make as much I'd a difference I can."
Before Laura can answer, a man stands up and speaks.

"Welcome to every single one of you muppets that passed the entrance course. Some passed with wit, some passed with brute force, and some passed with the pure luck of all that is holy. You are here to be prepped, trained in the field, by the best of the best.
Some non-negotiable rules are; that any sexual harassment between any and all genders will result in suspension or expulsion.
No fights internally.
And respect and listen to your COs, you're allowed to call bullshit if you see it, but do so respectfully.
I'm your captain, my name is John Price.

Your other COs are Lieutenant riley, callsign; Ghost.

John Mctavish, callsign; soap.

Kyle Garrick, callsign; Gaz.

You can all go get your food now. Downtime Is 22:40. If you are not in bed without permission after that, you will run laps with a CO watching until midnight."

You sit down, and Micheal takes a seat next to you...

"C'mon Y/N... why are you ignoring me? Why are you mad? You liked it."

You don't say anything and just pick at your food before taking a new spot, Micheal following after.

"Please just leave me alone," you manage to croak out.
He doesn't listen and stays.
He keeps talking, and you just ignore him, picking at the veggies on your plate, avoiding the arugula.
As Micheal notices you ignoring him, the clenches his jaw.

"God, why are you such a bitch?"

You don't reply.
The captain guy stands up again and says.
"When dinner is over at 20:10, you will all go outside and do laps with lieutenant Riley."

People groan and complaints fill the air.
At 20:04 you stand up and put your plate in the bucket with soap and water.
You all make our way to the tracks where a tall guy with a skull mask stands.
He is in a fleece jacket and cargo pants.

"Listen up, we're running till I say stop. The 5 people that are the furthest behind from the flock when I say stop will be dishwashers for the month."
People complain a bit but start running, the lieutenant in front, leading.
You quickly and pretty easily catch up to his pace and run a bit behind him.
You can see him look at you over the shoulder, and he picks up his pace.
You follow suit and get up next to him.
After a few laps, Micheal comes up between you two... he looks at you and then your chest, saying;
"Y/N, how's... How's it going with abilene?"

He pants slightly.
You don't answer and can see the lieutenant look at you two...he speaks up.

"Answer people when they talk to you, private." He doesn't sound the least bit tired, and his voice is steady and calm, same with breathing.

"Yes, sir. But I'd rather that Micheal not talk to me, I've expressed this before, and he is ignoring my request."

"Suck it up, private," says the lieutenant.
Michael slows down so he can run behind you. His eyes on your ass.
You stop up, letting Michael run into you, he stumbles, and you seamlessly start running again.
Micheal stays away this time.

The lieutenant looks at you.
"What's your problem with private addams?"

"He's an ass and a manipulative bitch."

Lieutenant riley looks at you a bit confused and seemingly wanting you to elaborate.
"I don't wanna get into it," you pant a bit, breathing getting erratic

"Right. Calm your breathing private."

Easy for you to say...

You feel your chest tightening as the thought of what Micheal did to you lingers in your mind.
You have to stop running.
You take a few steps away from the track and see the lieutenant stop to, ordering the others to keep running.

He jogs up to you.

"What the fuck? Get on the track again."

You just stand there holding back a few tears and some coughs as you try to calm your erratic breathing.

"...go inside, you'll be on dishwasher duty alone for the month...might send in help the days that people need punishing."

You nod and make your way inside, and into the kitchen.
You learn where things are and start washing the dishes, at about 22:20 Lieutenant riley comes in.
He's changed clothing.

He silently helps you dry off the plates...

"As your supervisor and CO I expect you to tell me if you have any triggers like what happened out there, along with telling me what your issue with Micheal is..."

You swallow a bit and look up at him...

"We used to date and sit ended on bad terms...."

" so"

"I had expressed that I wanted to wait with going all the way until i was older, I was 17 he was 19... he got me drunk one can guess the rest..."

He stays silent for a while... then says.
"He's been bothering you a lot?"

You nod "Yeah..."

"Come sit with me and the other COs at breakfast, ok?"

You nod.

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