You wake up, lucky trait from your parents is that you don't really get hung over (literally me, my mom has blessed me with that gene)

"Fuck..." You sit up and go take a shower. Then you get ready, the building is quiet compared to most mornings, probably because 95% of the base is hung over.

You make your way to mess hall, only a few recruits, and some COs are up. You go to sit, but Soap waves you over to the CO table.


"Ey, kid. Mornin' to ya. Ye bit Ghost did ya?"

"Pardon?" You turn a bit red and look at Ghost, who's quietly picking at some toast with jam.
He looks calm and stern as usual but a bit tired.

"Mate's almost fuckin purple kid!"

"I really don't know what you're talking about..."

Ghost grumbles and waves a hand dismissively at Soap, then says to you.
"Yeah, yeah, just go get some breakfast, and bring me a coffee while you're at it."

"You can go get coffee yourself."

"Then you can't sit at this table."

"Ok, Gretchen," you roll your eyes and go get some breakfast and a coffee for Ghost.

When you get back with your yoghurt and the coffee, you hand the cup to Ghost. You look around the empty mess hall and look at the COs.

"Where is everyone?"

Price coughs a bit and speaks up.
"We've given a rest day, due to Gaz And Soap not being able to say enough when out drinking, more than half the recruits are hung over."

"I see..."
You look at Gaz, who is just tired, laid out on the table.

"So...uhm...How'd you guys sleep?"

Ghost finishes his coffee. "Fine,"

"Like a baby," Soap punches Ghost.

"As good as you can in this bloody hell hole,"

"Mhmgnn awful...." Gaz just lays pathetically, head on the table.

"So, no training or plans today?" You say as you bounce your knee and eat.

"Lieutenant Riley and I will be heading to town, I need new cigars, and he has some errands to run,"
Price rubs his beard.

"Can I come along?" You look at Price and Ghost as they exchange looks and price nods, saying.

"Oh well, little company wouldn't hurt, we're leaving in an hour, yeah? Don't be tardy. "

"Yes, sir" you go get ready.

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