You wander around base. It's quiet since almost everyone is out drinking, Micheal is in medical sleeping. You wander about, feeling bored.

You wander into the mens barracks to see if there is anybody worth talking to. None.
After that, you go to the COs room.

Three separate beds, their own bathroom, and a compared to our you scan the room, you immediately notice the array of masks on one of the beds....Ghosts. you pick up one of the masks and grimace. Real bone... you'd learnt what bone feels like after your poppa showed you his hunting collection.

"Jesus...what poor soul was sacrificed for this mask?"

"An enemy."

You freeze and slowly turn around. Seeing Ghost in plain balaclava, no shirt and a towel wrapped around his waist... you look at the tattoos on his arms and chest.
Your eyes involuntarily lower to his scarred abs and his toned inguinal crease pathing right now to his ... together with his happy trail. the name of all that is holy, those are some fine abs...

"You have a wandering eye."

Your eyes snap up to his, heat creeping up your face.

"Put down the mask kiddo, you shouldn't be in here."

"I- uhm- right- sorry- uhm-" you toss the mask onto his bed and hurry out.

You make your way into the womens barracks and see a girl in the bunk next to yours.
She looks up at your red face and smiles.

"What's up with you?"

You hurry over to your bunk.
"You can't tell anyone!"

"Ok, I promise, now spill it,"

"I was really bored and went to like the COs room! And OK, first of all, they have a TV separate beds and their own bathroom! But i like looked around and saw Lieutenant Rileys masks and picked it up, and I kid you not, it was real bone! And I like talked to myself and said, "Who had to die for this mask?" and he was there! He came out of the shower! He was only in a towel and mask!"

"Holy shit." She laughed.

"That's what I said! And he has like so many tattoos, and he is so fucking built! It's wild!"

The two of you laugh a bit.

"You were Y/N, right?"

"Yeah, and you're Reina if I remember correctly?"

" like... could you see the outline in the towel?"

You flush red in the face and cover your face.

"Oh my god, you totally cou-!"
The door opens, and you both look up and see Ghost.
Reina sends you a teasing look, and you just cover your face.

He speaks up.
"Since you two ladies decided to stay back, I had to stay too, if you two feel like it, I got this" He holds up a bottle of whisky and befire you cab say anything, Reina grabs your arm and pulls you out into the hall with Ghost.
You go to the common room and sit and drink. You only have a few sips. Reina is already tipsy, and Ghost is just silently drinking, listening to Reina run her mouth about some childhood story.

"And then? She fucking pushed me onto the cacti!"

"Why would she even do that? That's not very motherly..." You say quietly

"Right?! Oh my god, we should out on some music!"

"Please, for the love of God, no..." Mumbles Ghost, and you smile.

"Depends, what music?"

"I really like hoizer and stuff,"
She connects her phone to the speakers.
"What do you two like?"

"I listen to a lot of genras, but abba and Blondie are always a safe choice"

"What about you, lieutenant?"

"I don't really listen to music."

Reina doesn't accept this answer and  grins
"Lier! I bet you listen to shakira and Lady Gaga!"

"I DONT listen to Lady Gaga nor shakira."

"Are you sure?"
She grins bigly and leans close to him.

"If you don't shut your mouth, I will write you up." His voice is deep, but there's a hint of amusement in it.

"OoHOhOhHhhh! Daddy's daddying"
Reina grins to you and raises her eyebrows suggestively.

"The fuck did you just call me?"
Ghost looks at you both and you just Bury your head in your hands.

"Nothing! I'll out on abba and shit!"
Reina laughs, and you sit silently, feeling the bit of whiskey in you try desperately to build some confidence.
You guys sit and drink and talk. At some point, Reina goes to the bathroom, and you and Ghost are left alone

"I take that you went and told Reina about our altercation? I bet you were just fawning over me."
He teases, a smirk playing on his lips. before now, you hadn't even registered that he'd pulled his mask over his lips to drink.

"No! What- uhm- fuck off!"

"Don't lie to me, kid."
Reina comes back and Ghost goes back to the more reserved facade.
At about 21:36, you're just as drunk as reina. You have a creeping suspicion that Ghost is drunk too, but he's playing more sober than he actually is.

"You have really big tits. Did you know that, LT?" You giggle, and reina nods.

"I mean, no need to one up us. Reina do I or Mr milkers have Riley...wait... does me or Mr Riley have better milkers?"

She giggles too and reaches out, squeezing your tit and then Ghosts. He looks like he's holding back laughter.

"His are bigger, but yours have a better feel."

You scoff.
"Bigger my ass! Now I have to feel too!!..."

You reach out and squeeze Ghosts peck then your boob.

"Wow... you're right?." You say, astonished.
Ghost chuckles quickly and stands up.

"I think you two should go to bed. We have training tomorrow, and let's just hope no one is too hung over..."
Reina skips to the barracks, you stumble as you try to stand. Ghost helps you walk, and as you do, you bite his peck.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Ghost looks genuinely concerned.

"Boob..." You grin slobbishly.
He helps you to your bed and leaves, Reina is already dead asleep.

***Ghost pov***

I sit down on the bed in the COs barracks and pull off my shirt, looking at the redness on my peck and the silhouette of teeth.

Strong jaw that woman has. 

Gaz walks in with a drunk Soap.

"Blimey 'ell mate whu di at te ya?"

"Y/N. She was drunk with Reina"

"Feral lady ey? Shi bit ya? Stemin Jesus yhats birts turnin purble! Hahahhgdha-"
Soaps drunken laughs turn into coughs and I sigh.

"Shut your mouth, dickwad"

"Eje? Itsy bitsy Simon is a bee sensisitiv? Hehehheeh"

"Go to bed, Johnny."

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