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The next morning, you sit down at the CO table, Micheal tries talking to you, but with the looks he receives, he sends him on his way... It seems like Ghost told the other COs.

You look up at them and ask.
"Did you guys sleep well?"

Price looks at you and smiles.
"Well, as good as you can sleep in this damn base,"

The others nod, and Ghost just kind of looks at you.
You look at the small portion of cereal in your bowl and start eating.
Gaz turns to you, saying.
"You should eat something heavyer. It's gonna be a long day."

"How so?" You say, holding a hand over your mouth as you try to ask as politely as possible whilst still having a bit of food in your mouth.

"Well, Sergeant Mctavish and I are gonna take you guys out to the training course to time everyone and see how you do hand to hand. Then, lieutenant Riley is gonna give you guys a briefing of this years program, and then Price will show everyone how to do paperwork."

"I see..." You look around the table.

You finish eating and make your way to the course and do it, you had a good time, 4.23.

"Good job, Y/N! Get in line and ready for hand to hand!"
Gaz gives a thumbs up, and you do as told...

And as you do hand to hand, you end up face to face with Micheal...
He swings first, and you dodge. He pulls his leg so he stumbles. He knees you in the tit and you wince, you then try to punch him in the throat, he catches your hand, and you feel a quick hand on your ass...

"Nice Rack, Y/N," He snorts.

You tackle him and start punching away at his face. He struggles but begins to lose his breath.
You lift and slam him into the ground over and over

Soap and Gaz sense the commotion and see that it's getting personal and start to get closer... still talking their time, you are pulled off of him, and he starts yelling.

"You psyco! What the fuck!?" He is holding his bloody nose...
Soap has an arm across you, you get him off you and storm inside, slamming the door and wiping the blood from your bruised knuckles...
You storm past Price in the hall and he turns as you walk by.


You keep walking through the base and find an empty ish storage room, and start hitting the wall, kicking it till your feet hurt, Soap and Price come in and restrain you

"Y/N what the fuck? Calm down, breathe!"

You take deep breaths and close your dry eyes.

"Sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Don't be... the other recruits told us what happened, and he set you off. But you can't go reacting like this."

"Yes, sir..."

Ghost comes in and watches you, an indifferent expression in his eyes.

"Garrick is with Micheal in medical, he's pretty fucked up, broken nose, busted lip, cracked rib, concussion."

You swallow the satisfaction and pride at the announcement.


You all sit in what resembles a classroom with a projector.
Ghost is showing the plans for the course.

"From July to August, we will be doing intro course and so on.

August to October, we'll be learning about field strategy and planning.

October to November Well be learning innovation, tactics, gorilla warfare, camouflage, and just survival.
You have a month's vacation from the 1st December to the third of January, and from there on, you will pick up the previous course again till February. In Febuary through March, you will be doing combat and target practice and in April and may, a certain two of you will join the three of the COs for 5 real missions whilst one CO will stay here and you guys get to do basic training and manual labor. And june will be the finals where you will get your certificate."

"Any questions?"
He looks around the room where a few people have their hands in the air

"No? Good." He walks out.
The rest of the day is a drag, just paperwork dinner and so on...

After dinner, you stand in the kitchen again, putting the dishes into the dishwasher. At least it was one of those industrial ones...

As you mindlessly do your thing, Ghost comes in.

"Y/N. What the fuck?"
You feel a shiver run down your spine.

"you should've gone for his groin."

You smile and scoff.

"Good advice, sir."

"Some of the recruits are going with the COs to a pub. If you finish up the dishes in...ten minutes you can still join us."

"I'm not much of a drinker...went real bad last time I did...ended up in Wales with two random women"

"I see..." He nods and leaves.

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