An ancient martial art

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Lie Ren

He's such a young man and full of regret.

He lost his family.

Lost your people.

Lose a friend.

Failure prevented Altas from being destroyed.

It's amazing how someone so young can have so many regrets, he had become a hunter but he knew who wasn't ready to be a hunter yet, he needed to train more but he didn't do it. He never revealed this to anyone, but he was of the opinion that Ruby was not a good leader; she was good company, but as a leader, she was pretty questionable.

Ren was the first recorded person who literally lost the evolution of his Semblance.

He didn't really care about it, he actually liked it.

Vacuo it was a poor kingdom, like in Altas the population doubts whether they are rich or rotten to the extreme.

He was one of the first to volunteer to protect the city.

Ren was walking around town in his new outfit.

He changed all his clothes when he got here, your old suit was made for extreme cold environments ( besides being very ugly ) using this suit in an extreme heat environment is an invitation to death.

He was wearing white pants and brown shoes, a belt around his waist that held his guns and the knife he used to kill Nuckelavee, he was wearing a green shirt that he had asked Coco to make, which was very reminiscent of the shirt he wore in Beacon, he was wearing brown fingerless gloves.

Ren and other hunters who decided to play the role of police in Vacuo responded directly to a woman named Eula, who was in charge of the kingdom's defense.

Vacuo was a parody of Egypt and the Old West.

Outside the walls, there were very few towns where there was no law, and that's where you shoot first and ask questions later.

Ren had to change weapons StormFlower by two knives made of metal that can only be found in Vacuo Tatianusmetal.

He was walking down some street.

Until he saw three bandits threatening some of Atlas' children.

Atlas and Vacuo hate each other.

So much so that Atlas did not operate within the city of Vacuo, but only in small towns.

Pulling out one of your knives, he got one of the knives that hit one of the ears, one of the thieves screamed very loudly allowing the children to escape.

One of the bandits pulled out the knife and dropped it on the floor.

Before one of the thieves could do anything, Ren drew one of StormFlower's and fired, the bullet hitting the thief in the left eye..

He covered the hole where his left eye should have been.

Ren ran and cut the banished man's neck.

The other two started running, he took out his knife and he started running after the bandits.

" 1 "

Ammunition was very expensive and his salary didn't allow him to spend much on ammunition.

He pulled out another knife, running after the bandit like a relentless beast.

The houses of Vacuo were made of a material that looked a lot like sand. But the houses of Vacuo some are very low this allowed him to climb houses, so Ren started to parkour around the houses.

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