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Ella was feeling depressed, ever since certain shewolf entered her life and refused to leave. Making one more shoping list for her weekly visit to store is making her even more  iritated. Steaks, steaks and some more steakes, stupid wolf was eating as... well wolf. "What you looking  at? "- Ella asked annoyed, Wolf just rolled her eyes while stretching and making herself apparently more comfortable this time on a rug in front of a fireplace. "I am done, I  am ready to be admitted in psychic ward, maybe something was wrong with that boys blood, can Vampire get poisoned with a bad blood, can hallucinations be symptoms of poisoning... " Ella has once more been muttering and ranting to herself when suddenly Ally appeared from a thin air on a sofa. "What the?! You know what I am just too exhausted... I told you not to teleporte here! " Ella was on the edge. "I know, I know but I was too excited,  and couldn't wait..." Ally replied. "Are you for real?! You're like two doors down the hall from here!" Ella couldn't and wouldn't understand her self-proclaimed best friend. "So why are you still here?" - Ella was losing her patience, not that she had some in a first place. "Oh yeah!" Ally exclaimed guess who got invited in that new club...  " What new club?  Mistic?" -Ella asked "How did you guess? Omg we're truly besties! " - Ally was bouncing on her feets. Ella looked at her horrified "We are not besties, as matter a fact we are not even a friends, you are just a pest..."- Ella's scolding was suddenly interrupted by Ally's hug " Oh don't deny it I know you love me!" Ella was flabbergasted. "And now you will love me even more, I or better said, we were invited on a opening night at that new club..." "I'm not going!"-Ella replied. "Ofcourse you are, you owe me that much, let's not forget who fixed your place after that small incident with your pet!" Ally was once more screeching, while said pet start growling ."Well I didn't asked you to fix it." Ella muttered. "You didn't have  to ask me because, we are friends and that's what friends do, help each other and now get your ass ready,  we are going to paaaarty!" Ally replied. "Crazy, maddening, this witch is gone, like gone, gone..." Ella was stunned. Not paying any attention to stunned vampire,  Ally  just walked away, but not before reminding Ella to be ready in an hour or "else". Ella realized  that she had no energy, nor will left for "else" , so she drag herself in the bathroom to wash herself and get ready. Mistic, hmm that name sounded familiar, had I already been there?

Hour later she was ready,  wearing black mini dress and high red boots, her hair put in sleek ponytail,  she was already by the door telling the wolf, sending it air kisses "Don't miss me, bitch!" when suddenly wolf jumped from the sofa and growled. "What now, you wanna fight? I'm ready for you this time! Come on white fluffy bitch! Let me show you who's the boss here!" She-wolf was less then impressed with Ella's show, however she wasn't having it, she aproched  and growled menacing at Vampire. But Vampire wasn't backing down, Ella was readying herself for attack,  when  once more she was startled by sudden appearance of a witch. Ally was screeching "Don't you dare to move  either one, I will curse you both to the moon and a back!" Vampire and the wolf froze for a moment before both angrily turned to Ally,  and Ella screamed her amber eyes flashing "Are you for real?! You threthenig me? You sure have death wish!"-  "I swear we  discussed this already, you don't kill your friends!" - Ally screeched . Ella was trying so hard to rein her heighten emotions "Fine, you know what, just forget it , and let's go, it's getting late. - Ella had it enough- "You stay here, wolves can't go into club." she said addressing to wolf.  Said wolf just smirked,  and after half an hour trying to leave insufferable animal at home,  she had to give up and take her with them. After all wolf was  proved to be difficult and stubborn even more then Ella.

Work in progress: Wolves Of Silent Valley Where stories live. Discover now