Luna wanna-be

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"Why are we here, again?!" -Beta Paul asked while nervously adjusting his cufflinks. "To not have repeat of the last club fiasco" -Alpha replied a little bit tensed. "So you think you being here will stop that kind of shit happening again?" Paul inquired.  "It should, or I am failing as an Alpha." Ryan said defensively. "I'll just say good luck with that buddy."- Paul said patting his back. " What do you mean good luck with that?" Ryan was baffled whit his Beta. "No offense Alpha, but with your sister here and Luna wanna-be, what could possibly go wrong?" Paul mused. Ryan said "What do you mean Luna wanna-be, I think we cleared that out I spoke to Jess and she said that it's all just big misunderstanding." " Oh, wow, how sweet, pet names already, you are so guillabile sometimes I wonder if you have any Alpha bones in your body, although I must said she is hot." His Beta kept pushing him. Alpha didn't like direction in which this conversation went but still replied " I'll admit that she is hot as it gets and if I wasn't Alpha I would probably tap that whitout second tought, but I won't compromise,  can't compromise on my mate." Somebody laughed in background. Ryan turned his head around,  but couldn't see anyone, booth beside them appeared empty, however he could hear muffled giggles.  " How much you are gonna wait?"  Paul asked, interrupting Ryan in scanning his surroundings.  "You know how it is with mates I'm almost at the top of age to find them,  it should be any day now, once when I hit 28 is endgame. Chance to find mate after that is non-existent."
"Don't worry she or he will come along soon enough."-Paul tried to cheer up his Alpha. "Look at the bright side you can still tap that pointing at his sister friend and still have time to find your fated Luna." Ryan laughed-"What kind of Beta are you, you should discourage me, not encourage me, but you know what, you are right, maybe I should have some fun, before this mate thing hits. Who knows maybe my Luna is ugly as fuck, better get some action from that goddess while I can." Ryan gulped down his whiskey and went to dance floor his attention focused on black haired she wolf dancing seductively.
Ella was finally enjoying her long awaited and well earned drink, when she noticed a strange behavior of her wolf, she seemed off. She was glaring and huffing. Ella got worried,  who in the hell could get her wolf angry and agitated, that was Ella's job. Looking around she saw that wolf was giving some serious side eye to nearby booth occupied as it seems with two male werewolves. The taller one looked kind a cute, for a werewolf, while shorter one looked ugly as most of werewolves did to vampires. However they peaked her curiosity, so she asked Ally if she could use her hiding spell so they could earsdroping on their conversation, Ally feeling generous and being  halfdrunk agreed. Boy did that conversation was eye-opening. Poor, poor mate of idiotic Alpha , whoever may she be. She didn't resist and laughed a couple times. In the meantime her wolf get so agitated that she even start stroking her fur in order to calm her down, but wolf didn't have any intention of calming down.
As they watched Alpha aproching shewolf described as Luna wanna-be,  Ella has to admit that shewolf was indeed hot, but not hot as herself, nobody can beat a Vampire at hotness special with her family background. While she and Ally was observing and bitching about a couple,  white fur ball leaped from booth through air landing on Alpha's back making him stumble and fall on a shewolf in his arms. Ella and Ally frozed for a moment looking at the furious white wolf now viciously attacking Alpha. "Oh shit... Ella whispered.  But seeing others werewolves sneaking and readying to attack her wolf,  she instantly  saw red, rage whitin her soul was awaken and she began to fight one werewolf after another with such a speed and strength she even didn't know to poses. Club was transformed into battlefield. Blood and fur everywhere .Since Ella was taking on all of other werewolves, white wolf got to concentrate on Alpha and his "mate", and  did she concentrate or what. She almost ripped Jessica arms of her body, and now she was stalking Alpha. Ryan was confused what the hell is happening,  what kind of wolf this is that just chewed up Jessica, he tried to protect her but somehow this mad beast succeeded in almost ripping Jessica arms and now the beast is stalking him. Shewolf was mad as thunderstorm and decided Alpha must pay, and pay he will ,without any hesitation she  leaped  one more time through air and this time landed on top of him. He struggled to get her down kicking and punching her, but she seemed unaffected, he will swear on everything he knew that wolf in the moment that will cost him tip of his ear and almost all of his pride, looked him dead serious in eyes and he heard in his head "You don't deserve your fated Luna, I hope she rejects you." That was last thing he remembers from that fatefull night. He woked up  hours later in a middle of club where most of his packmates was unconscious and packed up like fish in sardine can. 
Meanwhile Ella and Ally was seated on a Ella's now not so white sofa couch watching how now red-fur  shewolf was gobbling on something. "What's that in her mouth?" - asked Ally
"I'm not sure I want to know" -Ella replied  "Ringfinger " - "I am not feeling well Ally, you know, lately I hear voices in my head, tell me that I 'm not loosing my mind..." Ella was on a brink of tears "Funny I hear them too. Am I  getting crazy like you are?" - Ally replied "Omg, it's contagious!" Ella exclaimed. She wolf just rolled her eyes continuously gobbling.

Work in progress: Wolves Of Silent Valley Where stories live. Discover now