Chapter 2

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   Clay was washing the dishes in the river because it was his turn when somebody yelled right next to his ear. He covered his head with his wings and started freaking out. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to! Wait, are you mad about the extra serving at dinner? Dune said I could have it because it was Webs's and he isn't coming home tonight!"

"It's okay! I'm not mad at you!" Sunny gave him a hug. She was wearing a T-shirt with "Hugs make everything better" printed on it. "I was just practicing my super-scary battle cry."

"It's getting pretty good," Clay said. "By the way we're out of dish soap."

Sunny frowned. "It's probably a bad idea to rinse the dishes right in the river. That pollutes it. This river probably flows out to a beautiful place with flowers everywhere, and it would be really sad to kill all the flowers with dish soap."

"Uhh... okay." Clay wrote "envirmontally freindly dish soape" on the shopping list. "Is that right?"

"Not quite," said Sunny. She crossed it out and wrote "environmentally friendly dish soap" in small, neat handwriting. "We're going to study for an hour or so before bedtime."

"Okay." Clay and Sunny went to the study room, where Tsunami, Starflight, and Glory were already waiting.

"Hi, Clay," said Glory. She was green, blue, and violet today. "Starflight is torturing us with a boring history scroll. You may regret you came."

"Let's do something else," Tsunami said. She grabbed a scroll on the War Of SandWing Succession out of the pile. "Okay, Sunny can be Oasis."

"This isn't studying," Starflight pointed out. Tsunami whacked him with her tail. "OW! That HURT!"

"Clay, you can be the scavenger," the SeaWing continued.

"I thought I was too big," Clay said, confused. "The scavenger was a lot smaller than Queen Oasis, wasn't it?"

"HELLO, nobody cares," replied Tsunami. "I'll be Blister, cause she's smart like me, Glory can be Burn, and Starflight is Blaze because she's dumber than a concussed sheep."

"Hey!" Starflight protested. "Why do I always have to be one of the princesses? I don't even like this game!"

"Well, you wouldn't have to be if we had other friends," Tsunami said.

"We'll have loads of friends when we escape!" Clay said cheerfully.

"What do you mean, escape?" Glory asked, eyebrows raised. "This was probably a bad time to say that, considering Sunny is incredibly bad at keeping secrets."

"I can keep secrets," Sunny said. "I kept that one about Tsunami's crush on Starflight."

Tsunami groaned and covered her face with her talons. Starflight looked up because he heard his name, but then kept reading his scroll. "Really, Sunny?" the SeaWing complained.

"Oops! I'm sorry!" Sunny gave Tsunami a hug to make it better. "Well, I promise I'll keep this one. I don't really talk to the teachers anyway."

"So, when?" Glory asked. Everyone looked at her. "What time? Because I would love for it to be tomorrow or something."

Suddenly Kestrel burst into the room. "Lights out!" she yelled, flicking the light switch. The room was plunged into darkness. "Morrowseer's coming tomorrow, so you need to be well rested!"

"Wait, who's Morrowseer?" Clay asked. Kestrel snorted.

"Of course you don't know. Well, he's my boss, and he's the one who's been paying me to raise you."

"You're being paid?" Tsunami pretended to be shocked. "But we all thought you were doing it out of the goodness of your heart!"

"SHUT UP!" Kestrel snarled. "All of you get to bed. Boss- uh, Morrowseer will be here at 10 o'clock in the morning!"

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