Chapter 3

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    Clay was just about to fall asleep when some very hard air poked him in the snout. He yelped and fell out of the top bunk. "Starflight! What's happening?"

Glory appeared in the empty space. "Shhh! We're having a secret meeting!"

"Oh," said Clay. "Hey, I didn't know you could be invisible."

"I've been practicing." The RainWing led Clay and Starflight, who was still rubbing his eyes, to the girls' room. Tsunami was pacing in circles, while Sunny was napping in bunny footie pajamas.

"You took forever!" Tsunami exclaimed. "I thought you got caught!"

"We will be if you aren't quiet!" Glory hissed. Suddenly a knock came on the door.

Tsunami shoved Clay and Starflight into the closet and leaped into bed. "What do you want?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

Webs poked his head in. "You're being too loud. Get some sleep so you can meet boss- Morrowseer in the morning." He looked around. "Where's Glory?"

"Uh, getting a drink of water," Tsunami lied. In reality Glory was camouflaged against the wall. "She'll be back soon. Good night."

Webs left and Glory reappeared. Clay burst out of the stuffy closet with Starflight right behind him. "That was close," the NightWing said nervously.

"Just be really quiet," Glory said. "Sunny, wake up."

Sunny sat up, yawning. "What is it? Oh, hi, Clay."

"Hi," said Clay. "We're currently planning our escape from the Talons of Peace."

"We are?" The small SandWing looked worried. "What if they catch us?"

"They won't," Glory reassured her.

"Yeah, not if we beat them up first," Tsunami added. Sunny burst into tears at the mention of violence.

Clay went over and gave her a hug. "We don't have to beat them up," he said. "I still can't defeat Kestrel anyway. Webs, maybe."

"Please don't beat anyone up!" Sunny begged.

"All right," Tsunami agreed, although she looked slightly annoyed. "We'll escape without hurting anyone."

"Okay," Glory said, clapping her talons together. "Now let's go to bed, and find out what this Morrowseer guy is like in the morning."

Clay and Starflight went back to their room, but Clay couldn't sleep. He kept worrying about their plans for escape.

In the morning, Dune gathered them all in the main cave. He checked the clock. "It's 10 o'clock. Morrowseer should be here any minute now."

Suddenly the sound of cars honking erupted from outside the cave. Glory wrinkled her snout. "Is that... cars?"

"Uh-oh." Dune rushed over to the front door and pulled it open. A huge NightWing came through and slammed it behind him.

"WHY IS THERE A HIGHWAY BY THE FRONT DOOR?" Morrowseer thundered. Dune looked more nervous than Clay had ever seen him.

"We didn't know they built a highway there, sir," he explained.


"Because we always use the back door!" Dune looked for a place to hide, and Clay shot him a sympathetic smile.


Dune finally started crying. "Because you told us to in Stealth 101!"

"FINE. Now get on with the tour," Morrowseer ordered, looking grumpy. Sunny passed Dune a tissue, and the older SandWing wiped his eyes dry.

CLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant