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"I can't believe she had to switch our seats again, even if it's the last marking period", Jayna complains to me while leaving from science, headed to gym class. "Wait you're sitting in the back right? Near Sonya and who else?" she asks. "I sit across from Sonya and Anthony. And next to Aaron." I say, hiding the smile that slightly crept up from my lips when I said Aaron. "Damn, you have to sit with Aaron and Anthony? At least you've got Sonya with you." she says with a sigh. I nod my head in agreement, when really I was happy to sit with Aaron. I mean how couldn't I be? He picked up my binder! Like, I get he's seen as an avid troublemaker, or at least a class clown. But he also seems so soft, he seems more caring than he acts. But it might just be me over fantasizing.

Finally walking into the gym, I see my other best friend, Hollie. Also from kindergarten. We kinda have a smaller school district. "Hi!!" I say giving her a quick hug, we don't have many classes together. "Hey!" She says smiling, as the three of us walk to the locker rooms to change. After i finish changing, I spray a bit of perfume on my wrists and rub them together. "Sweet Pea" my signature scent, from Bath and Body Works. I see Jayna tying her hair up and once she's done the three of us walk out and sit with the class waiting for our gym teacher to tell us what we're doing. He starts yelling "GIRLS! Out the locker room!", he yells this extremely often.

"Okay class, so today you're getting into groups and we are playing floor hockey." He continues to explain the rules and threatens it'll go away if we don't follow the rules. I can't help but continue to glance over at Aaron. "Now get into groups of 5, you need at least 2 girls or boys in your group." Everyone grabs the most athletic person and runs to the wall to show their in a group, me and a few of my friends are left, but we're all girls so he starts telling us to pick groups to join. I walk over to Aaron's group, nervously. I didn't really want to be in other people's groups because some of the guys were rude and childish. And my friends got separated into groups that were now full. "Are you in our group?" Aaron asks softly while I can't help but stare into his dark brown eyes. "Oh uh yeah, is it fine if I join? He told me to pick a group." I ask awkwardly. "Oh yeah that's fine." He smiled for a moment, as the group numbers were called "1 vs 2", we were 2, and we walked up to play. "Wanna be defense?" He asked me, "Sure" I say, grabbing a hockey stick.

At the beginning before the game started, he was trying to joke around with me, blurting words that didn't fully make sense but he was tryna make me laugh, it worked. But it wasn't like I was special, I couldn't have been. It had to be something he does with everyone, there wasn't anything else to it right?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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