Chapter 9

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"Ugh... This is so boring. Hey!" he called for you, his face cupped on his palm and elbow resting on his knee while he sat on the couch. He rolled his eyes over you and pursed his lips in irritation. "Would you just stop reading that stupid book? ".

You sighed. You were peacefully reading your new mystery thriller with full concentration but your so called tutor was not ready to give you that space and has already started playing his tricks and that is interrupting you.

You pulled your book down from your face and squinted your eyes at him while sucking the inner portions of your cheeks.

"What do you want? " you looked at that cocky little child.

"Just stop reading that book and talk to me..... I am bored" he whined, desperate for your attention.

"If you are so bored then why don't you head back to your home" you sounded both mean and sweet at the same time.

"I hate you" he pouted and dug his face on the cushions and laid down on the sofa and stretched out his legs.

He is still a kid...

A slight curve appeared on your lips as you saw him acting so childishly.

"Don't laugh! " he hissed at you and you were surprised about how he caught you laughing when he was not even looking at you.

"How did you know that I was laughing? " you asked in amazement and he pulled his head from the cushion while smirking at you.

"So you were laughing? " he pressed on the word were to prove his point.

"Yes I was, but you are ignoring my question " you raised an eyebrow and Taehyung sat upright facing you.

He interwind the fingers of his both hands and leaned forward to you with a malicious grin on his face. "I just made a prediction".

"Why don't you become an astrologer? You are good at quite good at predicting things" you smirked and mocked him.

"Why can't you just accept that I am exceptionally good at everything?" he raised an eyebrow and smirked trying to prove his superiority but it just didn't get on your nerves this time because you were just habituated to his cockiness by now.

"Yeah, you are good at everything except for studies" you straighten up yourself a bit and spoke with more pride in your tone just to reach his level of arrogance.

"Who told you that I am not good at studies? " he scoffed while tracing his fingers through his black velvety hair.

"Well, actually no one. But I can tell it from your schedule. " you remarked and crossed your arms.

"My schedule? " he frowned.

"Yeah, your schedule, because you are always sticking to my place for no reason and are not studying back at your house" you presented your points one by one he smirked and nodded his head while listening.

"Oh really? You think so? "

"Yes, I do. And inspite of being my Tutor you are neither teaching me anything nor letting me study" you added and he scoffed.

"Look. I have no interest in teaching you, and I am sticking to your place because your Mom told me to look after you" he chimed and got up from the sofa and walked over you, he placed his hand on the side of your head and leaned closer to your face so that you could feel his breathing on your face and whispered "But if you so desperately want me to teach you, then I can teach you many other things except for studying. Believe me, I can satisfy you in more than one way".

"And believe me, I can kick you once again, so you better move back" you hissed and scooted your face away from him.

"You are no fun" he pursed his lips as he moved back placing his hands on his hips.

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