Chapter 4: Alone at Last

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Annabeth Chase Andino is a twenty-one year old woman with curly shoulder-length honey-blonde hair, stormy gray eyes, and light-tanned skin. She was five feet and nine inches tall, and has a fit athletic build coupled with the genitalia of a man. Annabeth is dressed in a white tank top, and a pair of black panties. She is smart, creative, stubborn, prideful, loyal, caring, and independent. Annabeth has a girlfriend named Mia pockets. She has lush brown shoulder-length brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a sun-kissed complexion. She stood at five feet and five inches tall and possessed a stocky build. Her body is primarily dark gray in color, with silver highlights accenting Mia's shoulders, arms, torso, and legs.

Mia's metal body allows her to lift and manipulate objects far beyond the limits of a normal human or robot. She is capable of performing feats of incredible strength, such as lifting heavy objects effortlessly or even pushing cars off their tracks during intense battles. Made from high-quality celestial bronze and steel alloy, Mia's body is highly resilient and resistant to physical damage. She can withstand gunfire, explosions, and even falls from great heights without sustaining significant harm. Her exterior shell is reinforced with multiple layers of advanced materials, providing additional protection against harm. Injuries that would incapacitate a human or robot can be quickly repaired by Mia. She can regenerate damaged limbs and organs within moments, allowing her to continue fighting without interruption. She can regenerate damage done to her internal circuits. Over top her metal body Mia had on a large camp-half blood t-shirt that belonged to Annabeth. The couple had been together for eighteen years, fifthteen of those years they have been dating.

After everyone in the Andino household went to sleep, the couple went to Annabeth’s room to chat and hang out. They talked for hours about different subjects, and had a few laughs here and there. When the clock struck midnight they went to bed. While Annabeth slept Mia found herself unable to fall asleep. She was curled up against her girlfriend’s chest with Annabeth holding her close. Mia rested her head in the crook of her neck and sighed. at this rate I’ll never fall asleep, she thought to herself. After a few minutes of restlessness she got an idea, one that might get herself in trouble. Gulping, she decided to take the risk. Carefully, Mia reached her hands downwards to grab Annabeth’s orange tank top and began to slowly lift it up past her belly exposing her stomach, then her abdomen, until Annabeth's bare breasts were in her sights. Mia's breath hitched as she stared, transfixed at the sight before her. Before she knows it, Mia finds herself planting her mouth over one of Annabeth's breasts and begins to suck, causing Annabeth to moan. She smiles thinking to herself, that’s a good girl now scream my name bitch. Mia continues, she traces her tongue around her girlfriend's nipple, sending a shiver down Annabeth’s back. Annabeth then begins to stir in her sleep, feeling Mia's warm breath against her skin. She slowly woke from her dreams, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of her girlfriend. Looking down she spots Mia sucking her breasts tenderly, “Mia what are you doing?” she asked. Mia freezes, going stiff, looking up, gulping. "N-nothing, I'm doing nothing" she said around Annabeth's nipple.
Carefully Annabeth grabs Mia, pulling her away from her breast. Her stormy gray eyes  staring coldly into Mia's dark brown eyes. After a moment of silence Annabeth spoke, “It doesn't look like you're doing nothing to me. To me Mia it looks like you're trying to milk me, do not lie to me “ she said sternly. Mia’s heart fluttered in her chest as she stared blankly back at Annabeth, she could feel herself get wet. Without thinking she leaned forward, her lips inches away from Annabeth’s face, she planted them onto her lips. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, Annabeth wrapped her arms around Mia holding her close. Mia pushed herself closer in Annabeth’s embrace feeling her girlfriends warm, sun-kissed skin against her cold metal body. She then felt something hard press against her thighs.“Someone’s hard,” she said smiling, “yes I know” Annabeth sighed into the kiss, “it’s all your fault you know.” Mia chuckled, “oh really what are going to do if I don’t stop, hmm smartmouth.” Annabeth rolled them both over, taking Mia's hands and pinning them over her head. “If you won't I’ll make you,” she growled. Mia bit her lip in anticipation, “please do mommy” she breathed. Annabeth smirked, “with pleasure."
She then reached down pressing her fingers on the red button on Mia's waist. Below something opened and without hesitation she grabbed Mia’s legs and spread them wide open revealing her wet folds. Mia gasped as Annabeth pressed her lips against her. Her tongue darted out to taste her Mia. She moaned, feeling the vibrations of her voice against her own body as Annabeth began to eat her out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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