°•●Chapter 1 ●•°

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_-*George's POV*-_

Hey. My names George. George Davidson. I'm basically a paranormal detective I suppose. I've always been interested in horror and ghost stories as a kid, and I guess that's how I got here.

Recently, my friends and I have been travelling all around America and going to some random locations that have been known to have some paranormal activity in.

My friends are also into paranormal stuff, and I've been friends with them for years. I met Sapnap and Karl in Year 9 as a package deal, and met Quackity later on in Year 13.

We're currently staying at a random decently rated hotel in Florida while we research another place to investigate.

It was 10:49AM and I've been in my hotel room most of the day researching for more locations before we carry on our extravagant tour all around America.

So far, I've not found anything particularly interesting to properly look into so I hope the others are doing better than me.

I was sat at a desk with my laptop tapping my life away whilst being cuddled by my oversized hoodie that I stretched over my knees for more warmth.

I haven't had breakfast yet, despite my stomach's angry gurgles and grumbles. But I persevered and carried on my restless research.

*knock knock*

I glanced at my door with a glum look and ignored the polite knocking.

It's probably just room service.

I thought as I looked at the paper do not disturb handle thing that your meant to put on your door, abandoned on my desk with no use, except to lie there for some sort of decoration.


The knocks were louder this time, and not so polite either.

"Who is it?" I called out in a groggy voice, clearing my throat immediately after.

"Karl! Can I come in?"

Ah, Karl.

"Yeah sure." I said as I got up from my seat.

My back hurts.
I suppose my body's given up on me already.
Or maybe it is just my horrible posture.

I reached for the door handle and pulled it open to reveal Karl tapping furiously on his phone.

"You alright, dude?" I asked as he looked up at me.

"Oh, yeah. I bought you back a bagel from breakfast with the others. Oh! And guess what!? I found a location we could go to!" He claimed excitedly as he walked past me and into my room.

"Oh..." He muttered as he glanced around my room slowly, taking in every inch of the mess.

"George, dude, we leave here tomorrow morning, bro." Karl said, disappointment evident in his tone, though, with some positive joking. "How do you even get it this messy? We've been here for a night, George!" He says, laughing at the frown on my face. "It's not my fault! I didn't mean to!" I attempted to defend myself weakly. "Want help?" He asked knowingly. "Yeah..."

Ghost boy //DNF//Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat