?????? Backstory

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I stood at my workstand in the ///////// when I saw a couple approach.

I went to the back to restock some items when the couple walked in.

The girl looked like a mirror and I was dumbstruck I called my coworker out and he helped them.

The whole shift I could barely stand Everything I've done in life there has been a carbon copy of me walking around and I never knew.

when I got home I interrogated my parents. 

when they admitted to kidnapping me from the hospital I was filled with rage.

"come on /////  We couldn't have kids what else would we do?

I didn't even notice the pistol in my hand as I shot my father and kicked my mother's head in.

I barely even cared when I packed a bag and ran out of the house with all the valuables and money in the house.

I didn't even know where I was going but I wanted revenge from someone.

Maybe my real parents?

Who knows but now I am on a bus to wherever Woodsboro is and maybe Ill meet them.

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