A Birthday to Remember

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15 years ago

The boiling isles itself was in rather surprisingly calmly at this state. This was one of those rare moments when chaos in the underworld was at it's low. Even this was strange, the terrifying world there always some moments of peace. Not exactly perfect but the islanders of the isles took it.

Hell, as of right now the snow was dropping at a steady rate. No blizzard, cold winds, just the kind where it blanked everything around in white.

Soon the camera points towards the owl house as we see Hooty who was extra serious for some reason as if he was guarding the house with his life. He was on the look out for any intruders that would come near the house, like if there was something important going on inside.

The camera cuts to Eda's room where the only source of light is seen through the multicolored stained glass eye of the house. There was a floating light orb hovering above in the middle of the room, not to large and not to small, just enough to provide illumination of light in the room. Some noises can be heard as well. In the owl lady's nest, there was Eda and next to her was her husband Andrew. Inside the nest was filled with blankets pile high as it could go for extra comfort.

And for what was resting in the middle between the two adults was there new born child, the one who'd grow and become the one and only Orion Goetia Clawthorn. It was actually a home birth. No hospital, not even a mid-wife. It was just Andrew, Owlbert, his falcon palisman, and even Hooty for a bit of moral support.

Not too long ago, the owl lady had given birth to her son. Despite being tired of labor pain and worn out, Eda still radiated in happiness keeping one hand on the infant son's stomach, while the other holds Andrew's hand as they kept their gaze locked onto their baby boy and the newest addition to their lives. In the process Andrew held out one finger as the infant Orion used his little hand to grab hold of it.

Eda sighed of happiness and joy enveloped her entire being. "I'm so thankful that he's healthy" yeah, healthy and strong as well. Andrew added as he felt the same emotion as his wife did. "He might have my looks but I can tell already that he'll take a lot from his mother" pff, oh come on, don't count yourself out to fast "I know, but you be thrilled to teach him you ways". The owl lady snorted a bit in amusement. "Yeah, but you'll be there to help polish him up, a nice mix between from both of us...I just didn't think this would happen so fast" same... *Andrew to notice the worried expression appearing on his wife's face* Eda, what's the matter? Are you okay? Andrew asked. Huh? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine... Nothing else to worry about...well besides this kid being difficult "I'm not talking about our son... There's something on your mind" *Eda eyes widened upon hearing that before growing worried again* Andrew... Please be honest with me... Are you sure this is what we wanted? Eda asked. Hey, we both made up our minds. There's no turning back from this now. Andrew pointed out. "I know it's just... I don't want him to go through the same thing I did" *Andrew knew immediately where his wife was getting at. To be quite honest, the thought had been on his mind too. Given her the circumstances and predicament they were in, the idea of having a child was scary. Not just for them, but what their son would have to go through in the future*.

We can't always control what'll happen... But, all the more reason we give as much support as we can for him... "It's not just that Andrew... I'm just worried we'd be to blind in wanting something and Orion pays the price because we didn't think about him." Eda said whole heartedly before she rolled her eyes "aw crap now I sound like my mom". Andrew chuckled as he leaned forward and kissing his wife's forehead. "Well, were entering parenthood, and that's a good thing... I know you'll make a great mother" he said. Thanks hon... *She lets the hand off of Orion's chest and lightly started gently rub her child's head making the infant a few babbling and gurgling noises feeling his mother's warm and gentle touch* what do you think he'll grow up to be? "Whatever he wants to be" Andrew replied smiling seeing how affectionate she was with him "He'll become the most infamous wild witch in the boiling isles, or become the most important person... And it'll be up to us to help him... Our little Starchild".

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