Matchmaker Sleepover

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"What the hell was I thinking. Having a freaking sleepover? What is wrong with me? This Keefe guy has changed me, and I have yet to decide if it's a good change or not." I mumble to myself while getting the sleepover ready for everyone. I grabbed as many pillows and blankets as I could find and spread them out, giving Biana the sparkliest one. Do not ask why I have that, Sophie the alicorn one, Dex the green one, Ritz Savory Cracker the blue one, Keefe the gulon one, for obvious reasons. I gave Marella the purple one, Linh the mercat blanket and I gave Tam the grey one, I would give him the black one, but that one belongs to me, and I gave them the matching pillows. I had Sophie tell Dex and Ritz about the sleepover and I handled the rest.

"They should be here in about half an hour so do you want to get started on the snacks?" Sophie asks walking in.

"Sure, I'll make some mallowmelt and custard bursts," I say heading to the kitchen. As I'm gathering supplies, I hear a knock on the door and it's Biana. "Hey Biana, glad you could make it." I say opening the door.

"Hey Queen, where do you want me to put my stuff?" She asks gesturing to the thousands of bags behind her.

"How much did you bring?!?! It's only one night."

"Surprisingly it's not mostly clothes, a lot of it is games and snacks, I have a lot planned. Hey Y/n, can I tell you something?" She asks and I know she's being serious because she used my actual name.

"Of course, what is it." I say walking over.

"I have a crush on Sophie,"

"I know,"

"What?!?! How?!?!" she asks flabbergasted.

"It's obvious, every time we meet up you are always staring at her, and I can see the jealousy of Sophie and Ritz from a mile away, the only people who don't know are Sophie and Ritz, but Sophie is the master of obliviousness so that doesn't surprise me. You should totally ask her out tonight."

"But she likes Fitz, it's obvious." she says looking down.

"You don't know do you? Sophie is bi Biana."

"Actually?" she asks her face brightening up.

"Yeah, and I have a plan, let's play truth or dare, I know that Sophie likes you so I'll dare her to kiss her crush, and then you'll be together." I say crossing my arms.

"That might actually work, thanks Queen, I've never seen you so interested in other people before, you've changed, and don't worry, it's for the better," she says winking at me, as if I knew what that meant. But it didn't matter, I had to get these snacks done.

"Biana can you help me with the snacks? I want them done before everyone else gets here." She agrees and we finish just as everyone starts coming in.

"Hey everyone, we're sleeping in Sophie's room, right this way." It felt formal to say and I didn't entirely enjoy it but I had to show them where we were going. We head up the stairs to Sophie's room and they immediately know which blanket is for them, good job me.

"Hey, why didn't I get black?" Tam groans.

"Because black is my favorite color and since I'm hosting this sleepover, I get the black one, you're lucky I didn't give you Biana's, you are very welcome." I say bowing making Keefe burst out laughing.


"We are totally getting them together tonight, right?" I whisper to Biana.

"Oh yeah, but I think Keefe's got it, he's been getting more flirtatious lately and I think he's going to bump it up tonight. (little hint at a juicy scene soon)

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