The Bitch Best Friend Causing Havoc

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Pretend that Stina is a little nicer and please don't kill me because I literally thought of this whole chapter last night, and can you also pretend that when an empath's heart skips three beats it doesn't just mean they are lying but that they are nervous? Thanks, and you don't know it yet in this story.

"Are you kidding with me right now?"

"What? No, of course not," he says but I grab his wrist anyway.

"Then why did your heart skip three beats huh? That only happens when an empath is lying, and I bet this is the plan that Sophie asked you about earlier, about the one step that was left? This was all just a sick prank that you all planned, I can't believe you would do this. You know, you are the first person that I've ever let myself feel that way towards someone, and every time someone would ask me out, I would literally punch them in the face. Of course the first time I actually like someone, it turns out to just be a prank someone else did for fun, look, I know I'm not the nicest person in the world, but I literally comforted you, I knocked my wall down. Something I haven't done for anyone, and you brought it back up. You Mr. Sencen are a disgusting bitch who doesn't care who's heart he breaks, I should have known that the great heartbreaker of Foxfire would break my own. I banish you from Havenfield and if I ever see you here again, I will not be afraid to beat your sorry ass." I say slamming the door in his face. "EVERYBODY COME DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!!" I yell and they all come rushing down. "I want all of you out of here right now or else my voice won't be the only thing exploding tonight." I say giving them all glares worse than any death glare you would ever see, they all rushed out of there except Sophie who hesitated. "You know Sophie, I was just starting to enjoy our time together when you just had to ruin it, I know we haven't been the best of siblings, but I didn't expect this from you." I say shoving her out the door and slamming it shut again. I fell to my knees and let out a bloodcurdling, world-shaking scream, it broke everything made out of glass in a twenty mile radius and as my scream continued, I was so angry I lost control. I raised a tidal wave almost five times as high as Everglen and with that I let out an even worse scream letting go of my hold on the tidal wave. I'm guessing Linh just barely got control of it as it came down because I didn't feel anything crashing down around me, and I just stayed there on the ground for the rest of the night.

The next day I don't even bother to brush my hair or put makeup on, I through on my "BITCH" hoodie and dark ripped jeans, I put one earring in and head downstairs to all the windows broken, I would have to get the gnomes working on that as soon as possible. Sophie's and my parents would be home in a few days from a mission from the Council and this would take a while. I grab a custard burst and shove it in my mouth heading to the crystal tree. I yell Foxfire and as soon as I got inside the building, I could hear all the whispers about the scream and wave last night, no one knew who it was except for me and my ex friends. The thought of them made me scowl and grit my teeth thinking, HOW DARE THEY DO THAT TO ME!!!!! THEY WILL REGRET IT SOMEDAY. But I kept quiet, I didn't need attention on me at the moment, I skip morning announcements already knowing what they were going to be about. I go straight to my spot on Foxfire's roof and think, let's just say, "rude" things about the people who I will not name. I hear the lunch bell and head down to the cafeteria, I grab what I usually grab and head to a small table near the exit and start eating when someone walks up behind me. They even have the nerve to sit next to me.

"What the hell do you want Bitch?" I ask Stina.

"Everyone's been talking about the scream last night and judging on the way your friends are looking at you, I'm guessing it was you?" she asks.

"Oh yeah, blame the troublesome kid for it, but yeah I did, and you missed the wave," I say shoveling more food into my mouth not caring if it disgusted Stina.

Keefe x Crazy Delinquent ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now