Part 114

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I miss you

Words that don't need much to explain
Words that don't need much to say
There's a certain kind of thought
that goes in your head
When you suddenly remembered her
And the times that you spent with her.

Now the clock's ticking so slowly
You watched the hands rotating like a hypnotist
Swinging its pendulum before your eyes
"When you open your eyes, you will be transported
Into the time where you wanted to be in
Into a place you think of often,
When you open your eyes,
You will see who's in your heart."

And I wish that it's as simple as that
As simple as imagining you
Come into my reality.
Maybe it's in my own undoing
Or maybe time just wasn't right for us
But as I sit here thinking about you
Thinking of the time that slowly pass us by
This heart aches like no other
Like a sickness that has no other cure

It needs no other cure
But you.


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