Chapter 10

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"Okay then, try it.... " he demanded with a smirk while picking up the dress and handing it over to you.

You took the dress from his hands and headed towards the trial with Taehyung behind you like a puppy following his master.

"Go inside, I will be waiting here till you try it out" you heard him say as you went inside the trial room to try that piece of cloth for which you have to conflict with your inner saint for such a long time.

You were amazed about how well the dress flowed down your body like silk and how well it fitted you and hugged your curves as if it was waiting for you to come and pick it up from the store. In one word, it was marvellous. Your heart jumped in your rib cage as you were trying something like this for the first time and you never thought that it would be so well. But the only problem that you had with the dress was that it exposed too much of your leg and that too much was really too much!

You felt a bit shy to go out like that and showing your legs because you are not used to with that sorts of clothing like the other girls of your age are.

While biting your bottom lips you anxiously opened the door to meet a waiting Taehyung or better I would say an amazed Taehyung who started to examine you from head to toe with a 'o' formed in his lips.

Taehyung never thought that a person could look so cute and sexy at the same time in a dress.

He stared at you like a wild dog stares at his prey. He gulped some of the air while looking at your legs which were irresistibly sexy and could make any man go crazy.

You flinched at his wolfish stares as he moved his eyes from your legs to your thighs and to every curve of your body. You pulled your skirt a bit and it was when Taehyung noticed that you felt uncomfortable for his constant staring.

He shrugged a bit and quickly adverted his gaze from you while biting his bottom lips. He cursed himself for the mess he had done with your mind of his constant staring.

You were among those type of girls who feel uneasy when men check them out and try their best to protect themselves from the dirty looks of the men.

You stood their with cheeks red as an apple and a self esteem which was as flat as the tiled floor beneath your foot. All because Taehyung was looking at you or better say drooling over your cuteness which came from the innocent heart you bore inside.

"Maybe I should return this dress" you fidgeted out of embarrassment as Taehyung tried to reconcile your confidence.

Taehyung forgot for a moment how shy his childhood bestie was and couldn't control himself from looking.

"No... " his voice shaked as he scratched the back of his neck. "You look cute in that dress".

"You sure?" you raise an eyebrow with shyness clearly showcasing on your face.

"Yeah, I am sure. You look just awesome" he chimed after you with eyes shining like the stars that twinkled in the sky.

His words lighted up the spark of confidence in your heart as you looked at your dress with his words you look just awesome ringing at the back of your mind.

"Would you mind if I say something?" Taehyung spoke, bringing you back to reality.

"Yes... " you spoke softly letting the boy speak his heart out.

"Would you mind if I buy this dress, for you?"


Holding on the packet thightly in your hands you walked up the stairs of your apartment building.

Tap Tap Tap

The sound of your footsteps audible enough because of the quiet surrounding. The building in which you lived was mostly vacant with rooms still waiting to be hired by some tenant.

Your lips curved into a smile when you looked at the red plastic bag with white border lines hanging on your hand. It was holding your new possession which your tutor has gifted you.

When you reached the forth floor, you saw a woman standing on your doorstep. You are seeing her for the first time in your apartment.

Maybe a new tenant....

You thought as you looked at her carefully trying to get her details scanned on your brain. Her shoulder length chestnut brown hair hung loosely over her shoulder, she had a sharp bridge at her nose which curved at the right angle, her full pulm lips were covered with red lipstick and she had a small face. She looked like a beautiful lady who is cherishing her late twenties or early thirties. She was holding a plastic with one hand and with the other she tried to make a knock at your door but was instantly stooped by you.

"Hi, Mam... " you said politely before bowing down to her. "I live in here".

She gave you a warm smile showing her beautiful white teeth as her long doe shaped eyes squinted. "Hello, my name is Jung Yunha, nice to meet you. I shifted here beside you today with my husband and daughter and thought of meeting with the new neighbours."

"Oh! It was a pleasure meeting with you Mrs. Jung. Please come inside my humble residence" you opened the door in front and gestured to come with you inside.

"Thank you " her sweet voice chimed after you as she entered your apartment. "Here's a small gift for you" she handed you the small packet which she was carrying for so long.

"Thank you" you replied after receiving the gift from her and told her to sit on the sofa.

"It's so neat" she remarked while rolling her eyes over the room.

"Oh thank you, I try to keep things at their places and that's all" you raised your shoulders up and then back down trying to show her that it was not a big thing for you.

"I never expected a young girl like you to be my neighbour, do you live alone?" she asked while tucking a lose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Yes" you replied and went to kitchen to make some coffee for both of you.

"Your parents?" you heard her say as you lighted up the stove and placed the pan full of water on it to warm up for the coffee.

"They live in Busan. I am here for my higher studies" you replied as you added the coffee powder in that boiling water and stirred the solution gently with a spoon.

"Oh I see. Moving all alone in an unknown city must be tough. Why don't you take a roommate?" she asked as you looked at the pan for the coffee to get ready.

"Not really, I prefer to stay by myself" you replied while smiling.

"Do you know anyone out here in Seoul? I mean to say any relatives or family friends? " she questioned.

"Not really, but I do have a friend who comes most of the time" you replied as you poured the coffee in two separate cups and placed them on a tray to be served.

"I forgot to ask, I hope you like cold coffee" you asked before handing the cup to her.

"Oh yes, of course " she replied with a smile as she received the cup from you. "Thank you" she added with a sweet smile which felt like a cherry on top.

You smiled back at her and replied "You're welcome

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