Chapter 12

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"You are forgiven, now tell me how it all started" Jimin crossed his legs and leaned his elbows on the pillow on his lap. He looked at Taehyung with great interest sparkling on his eyes as he cupped his face with his small hands.

"Okay, so from where should I start" the younger looked up at the ceiling while bitting his bottom lip as his lips slowly turned into a curve when he pictured you in his mind.

"From the day you first met her" Jimin instantly replied. Excitement had taken over him as he rocked his legs impatiently, waiting for Taehyung to start his story.

"I was ten when I first met her and she was eight. Our mothers were best friends so we often had the scope to interact. Sometimes she used come to our house with her mother or sometimes it was me who paid a visit to her place. Other than this we also used to play at the park in the evenings and we soon became best friends. She used to call me V at that time" with red tinted cheeks Taehyung started to tell his story to the eagered Jimin who listened quietly without making any remark.

"As a child she was very much different from the others of her own age. No doubt she was smart but she had fragile heart which can be easily breakable. I still remember how the other kids at the park used to bully her and she came running to me crying. I usually drove those pranksters away from her and tried keep her away from those bullies. I promised to protect her, always" he smiled like an idiot drowning in love.

"How sweet!" Jimin remarked with his chimmy smile plastered on his face.

"We remained best friends for like two years and she became dependent on me and I grew more protective of her. At first it was all very childish like the husband and wife games that the kids played. And then suddenly my Dad's transfer was confirmed and we had to leave for Seoul and since then I never met her for about eight years. I thought that I will never be able to meet her again until her mother called me up a few days ago saying that she is coming to Seoul for her higher studies and I have to look after her.

We were separated for such a long time but I still remembered that cute little girl and when I see her now, I can't help but stare at her cute face like an idiot. She is the cutest being I have ever seen in my life" Taehyung finished his cute childhood love story with a smile and looked at a mesmerised Jimin who listened to the whole story patiently.

"She knows about it?" Jimin asked after straightening up his posture as he stretched his arms.

"About what?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows and looked at the older one.

"About your feelings. Towards her" Jimin clarified and Taehyung sighed. It was not the answer that Jimin expected from the maknae.

"No, I never told her about the way I think or feel about her" he replied while looking down and playing with his fingers.

"But why?" Jimin asked.

"I am afraid. She might take it in a wrong way. She is not like the other girls, she is different, she is not used to with all these things" Taehyung replies to a confused Jimin who was still unsatisfied with the answer of the younger one.

"Shut up! That cannot be a reason. She won't hate you if you just confess to her, after all she is your best friend, you only told me that" Jimin jumped out of the bed and stood in front of Taehyung with his hands on his waist.

"You know hyung that I find it difficult now because we are no longer best friends. And moreover I become nervous when it comes to girls, that's why I don't talk with any of the girl in the University" the younger one replied in a melancholic tone.

"Yeah yeah, and those poor ladies think that their cold Prince is not interested in them. Poor girls, I feel sad for them" Jimin sarcastically placed his words and Taehyung sighed.

"It's serious hyung" he groaned.

"Okay if you can't confess then try to make the other way around" Jimin dropped his small frame on the couch next to him.

"The other way around?" Taehyung squinted his eyes not understanding what his hyung meant exactly by the other way.

"Yup, make her confess to you" he insisted casually without realizing the type of girl you were.

"That's impossible! To make that happen I guess I have to wait throughout my life" the younger freaked out at his hyung's proposal and nearly had an panic attack that their relationship will wreck before it starts.

"Why? " Jimin questioned not understanding the problem behind his solution.

"She will never confess, she is extremely shy" Taehyung clarified the reason for his freaking out and Jimin nodded.

"Then you help yourself" he instantly replied as if it was an easy task, a child's play.

"That's not possible. I can go and confess but I will mess up the whole issue and it will end up as a failure" Taehyung replied, he had zero hopes for himself.

"Then make your relationship more deeper and comfortable so that it becomes easier for both of you to get along" this was the last suggestion that Jimin could give him.

"That's a good idea. But how will I make my way through her heart, I don't even know whether she has any feelings for me and just flirting won't work for her she will start thinking that I am a pervert" the younger paniced like a lovesick puppy and Jimin couldn't help but laugh under his breath.

"Just show her that you care for her and cherish each moments when you are with her" he said which gave the younger some confidence.

"I get it. Thanks hyung!" he chimed excitedly on his hyung's idea.

"I hope it would help you" Jimin smiled at the excited younger one.

"It would thanks. Sorry to bother you. I wish I were like him" Taehyung sighed while looking at the ceiling.

"Like whom? " Jimin squinted his eyes not understanding the person whom Taehyung was trying to refer.

"Like Jk . Then it wouldn't have been difficult for me to confess and impress her" he looked up at Jimin who suddenly fell silent.

"I am glad that you are not like him, you are way better than him." Jimin replied in a serious tone and dead like expressionless cold eyes than before. "Okay, I should get going now" he got up from his couch and walked towards the main door.

"You are leaving?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, it's late. I must go now" he replied. "And yeah, we have a Bangtan gathering tomorrow night, I hope you will come"


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