Chapter 1: A chance encounter

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"Love comes when you least expect it. Love comes when you most need it. Love comes when you are ready to receive it or can no longer deny it."


This episode may contain some themes that could be uncomfortable for some readers.


The cool night breeze whistled softly, blowing lightly through my hair. The sky was a deep, clear blue and the moonlight reflected on the building's windows.

People littered the streets and side walks, evrything and evryone is moving. I could feel the stars smiling down at me. I could hear the sound of footsteps , honking , chatting , bargaining all at once creating an overwhelming background. The smell of heavy smoke , fresh beard and delicious food was filling the air.
It's busy for sure but the hustle and the bustle brings a life to this city I wouldn't want to be without.

After the stifling heat of the day, I felt relieved. Glad to be finnaly free of the cold and depressing hospital rooms, I was looking forward to going home . Its days like this that make question my choice of being a doctor. But there was this girl that came to the hospital about three hours ago that I couldn't keep out of my mind .

She was in her early twenties , blonde,
tall and skinny . She was wearing a tight short white dress and some stiletto heals . She had a lot of blood coming out from between her legs and she was tripping over and over again and then she fell to the ground . We rushed to help her , me and two nurses and then... the heavy smell of alcohol hit us . We looked at each other, giving each other the look , we knew exactly what to do. We took her to examine her and we ran some quick blood tests and thankfully it turned out that she was not assaulted. she was pregnant and the blood that was coming out from between her legs was from the miscarriage .

As the results of the alcohol and drug tests emerged, revealing a troubling concentration in her bloodstream, a wave of shock washed over me. How could someone engage in such behaviors while carrying a child? Seeking answers, I approached her tenderly, gently stroking her head.

"Honey... are you alright? Do you feel any better now?" I spoke in a soothing tone, hoping to break through the haze.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine," she murmured softly.

"Honey, I need you to be honest with me. Did you use drugs knowing you were pregnant? It could seriously harm the baby," I implored, my concern deepening.

"I'm pregnant?" Her response offered clarity but left lingering questions.

"Well... not anymore. You've had a miscarriage," I revealed gently, bracing for her reaction.

"Wait... what?" Her disbelief hung heavy in the air.

"It's alright, honey. I'm here to help," I assured her, but confusion clouded her expression.

"Hold on... how?" Her voice trembled with uncertainty.

"Honey, please tell me how this happened. Take a deep breath and try to gather your thoughts," I urged, attempting to provide reassurance amid the chaos.

But her trembling form and disjointed speech painted a harrowing picture. I felt a pang of empathy, a desire to do more than just fulfill my duty. I wanted to truly help her, sensing a connection that stirred memories of someone dear.

"Honey... can you tell me how long you've been using drugs? I just want to help," I pressed gently, only to be met with a sudden outburst of anger and pain.

As she lashed out, tears streaming down her cheeks, I retreated, granting her the space she demanded. Outside, the concern of the nurses mirrored my own inner turmoil.

"Is everything alright?" one nurse inquired, her worry evident.

"Yes, she just needs some time alone," I replied, though it was I who struggled to contain my emotions.

As I left the hospital behind, my thoughts raced with unanswered questions. Why did I feel such a profound connection to her? Was it the loss of my sister to addiction that stirred within me? And what secrets was she hiding?
So much more questions where running in my mind. What was her name again? Ones of the nurses told me about it .It starts with an I.
I....... I...... .

Ugh! I don't remember . My head hurts so much. It's a long day. The weight of uncertainty pressed upon me, but for now, I let it rest. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new patients to care for.
Lost in contemplation, I made my way home, finding solace in the rhythm of my footsteps.

As I strolled along the path, a chilling sensation prickled at the back of my neck, drawing my attention to a figure cloaked in darkness behind a nearby tree. Clad entirely in black, he wielded a gun with unwavering determination, his gaze fixated on a target unseen to me. Across the street, a man emerged from a hotel, flanked by two companions, unsuspecting of the danger lurking in the shadows.

Will he detect the looming threat? I pondered, urgency coursing through my veins.

Without hesitation, I sprinted toward the trio, each step propelling me closer to the impending danger. Time seemed to slow, the world around me bending and distorting as if caught in a surreal dream. A deafening silence enveloped the scene, the air thickening with foreboding.

Then, in a heartbeat, the tranquility shattered. A thunderous gunshot pierced the stillness, reverberating through the air with bone-chilling finality.....


  I Just like to say thank you for reading, feel free to leave a comment to express your opinion about the chapter, and if you have any thoughts on how I could develop my work you can write it in the comments . Please check out the next chapters of the story.Also, English isn't my native language, if there is any writing mistakes just let me know... Dont forget to vote,comment and  subscribe
               -Author, clairluna

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