8 - The last step forward pt.1 (18+)

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The next week when Sand had his free time from his part-time job, he decided to surprise Paul while going to the restaurant for his deserved paycheck but before he came in the restaurant, he saw the one taking orders and serving people was not Paul but his father who looked better than the last time he saw him. He thought Paul had to do some other job but when he came in, Paul's father was giving him some hints like 'get out!' with his hands crossed but Sand didn't know what could possibly be wrong until he saw Paul's mother frowning at him from the kitchen and the next thing she did was to throw a thick white envelope in his direction.

"Huh?" Sand picked it up but he wanted to know why she did that and approached her.

"Get out! I don't want to see you here ever again!" She shouted at him with a kitchen knife in her hand and Sand raised his hands.

"Did my sudden leaving cause you problems? If that's so-."

"You... you are the one who rotted my son!! How dare you show your face in front of me?!"


"YOU KNOW VERY WELL WHAT YOU DID!! HOW COULD YOU DATE MY SON WITHOUT MY CONSENT?! THAT'S NOT NORMAL AT ALL! AFTER WHAT I DID FOR YOU... YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!" She shouted and almost threw the knife at him but luckily controlled herself. Sand was slowly backing away in shock. She shouted at him in the crowded restaurant and even exposed his true self in front of the customers! Sand was scared some of them knew Paul and could target him now but in the fear he was just experiencing, Paul's father dragged him out of the place as if he were kicking him out but then he gently let go of him and clasped his hands together.

"W-what's the meaning of this?! Where's Song?!"

"He... he ran away after his cold argument with my wife. Please! You must find him!" Sand widely opened his eyes and took a few steps back.

"H-how come no one told me? How come you were not trying to stop him?"

"I was asleep when-."

"You, how could you let this happen?! How could you always turn a blind eye over this?! Do you even know she's abusing your sons?!" He bowed down his head which explained everything and Sand had the tendency to punch him. Just when he turned his face for a hit, Sand just roughly bumped into his shoulder.

"I'll find him but not for you! You completely failed as their father! As a family... both of you don't deserve your sons..." Sand furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fists when he was leaving. The father broke into tears but Sand had enough of both of them and their manipulative parenting.

"Fuck... where could he be? Ah, Song... why did you leave me..." Sand took a deep breath and his memories from his painful break-up kept appearing in his mind but he quickly chased them away.

"No... he didn't leave me. He just couldn't live in that hell anymore... why... why do they have to treat him like this? Falling in love is nothing bad... it's my fault. But... it'd stay the same otherwise. Living the same life without love twice is too cruel..." Sand shed a tear without knowing and decided to visit the places which they visited together. He wasn't at the bar for sure. Sand hasn't seen him there at all during the weekend so he decided to visit the music store where he enjoyed himself so much.

"Song... please..." His hand was shaking when he was opening the door to the store and what he found was just an empty place. Even in the section where were Jaya's vinyl records.

He quickly left the place and ran to the nearest bridge where were almost no people. He needed to release his stress and loudly screamed at the river. He was coughing and shed his tears, then he pulled out two cigarettes and quickly lit both of them. He was smoking too quickly and had a seizure from the inhaled smoke.

LOVE AGAIN AND BETTER! | SAND X PAUL crossover | FirstKhaotung fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now