Poppy Rowan, Keeping' The Beats Going'

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No one's pov

"Hey, so, no shocker here, but I'm not your teacher. I'm Aidan Russell, Fine Arts teacher's assistant, and I love Art of Music because this is where music and art collide!" Aidan said. 

"Rockin'" Poppy said. 

"Beyond rockin'! As you can see, I volunteered Poppy to demonstrate. Her turntable is hooked up to that screen, and that box of magnetic filings. You play you music, we'll see your art!" Aidan said. 

"Legend!" Poppy said. She cracked her knuckles and starts playing music on her turntable, with the screen and magnetic fillings starting to move around. 

"See! It's like you're painting and sculpting, with sound!" Aidan said. 

"Let's kick it upp!" Poppy said. She continued to play, making the screen and fillings both show more impressive designs. Aidan looked impressed. He took a step to the side and took out his phone to call Avery. 

"Avery, listen up. You need to hear this!" Aidan said. 

June's pov

"Skylar! Sunny! June!" Poppy said from the top of the stairs. She walked down the first few steps before sliding down the railing and jumping off. She came to us. "Rainbow High is unreal! My Art of Music class, it was like- Ba-da-dum!" Poppy said exitedly and mimiced drumming in the air. 

"My Animation Sensation call was too! Ooh, look, I made Hi Hi Kawaii characters based on us! And we're dancing!" Sunny said. She showed the animation and began to dance along with it. 

"Sunny, that's so cute!" I said. 

"Yeah, it's rad." Colin said. 

"Oh! Poppy, this is Colin." Skylar said. 

"Hey Poppy." Colin said. 

"Sky, I gotta roll. Catch ya later?" Colin asked. Sky nodded. Colin walked away. 

"Whoa whoa, slow your roll. You have a boyfriend already?" Poppy asked. 

"He's the one I told you about. We've been together since sixth grade. I got into Rainbow High for fashion, he's here for mixed media." Skyler explained.

"Oh yeah, right! Colin!" Poppy said. Sunny took her phone out. 

"Roomie selfie time!" Sunny said. Before we could take the picture, the lights dm and The A's walk over to us. 

"The A's." Skylar said. 

"I think they're coming this way." I said 

"Look at Avery's hair!" Sunny said. Avery approached Poppy. 

"Poppy." Avery said. 

"Hey. What's up?" Poppy asked. 

"Your music, Aidan played me your tracks, you're good. We're doing our big kick off the school year for the underclassmen next week, wanna DJ?" Avery asked. "Yes! I mean- I'm sure Poppy will say yes. Right Poppy?" Sunny asked. 

"For sure, I'd be stoked!" Poppy answered. 

"Not so fast. This party has to be prefect perfect, so we need to hear more. Get us a new mix by the end of the school day." Ainsley said. 

"It's gotta be seriously legit." Aidan said. 

"The second the last bell rings, meet us here and play it for us. Deal?" Avery asked. 

"Deal! I mean-Poppy?" Sunny asked. 

"Deal?" Poppy confirmed. 

"See you then." Avery said. The A's walked away. 

"This is so exciting! You're gonna DJ for The A's!" Sunny said. 

"But how can you make a mix when you're in class for the rest of the day?" I asked Poppy. 

"Easy, I've got my turntable app! I just have to stay in my head and concentrate." Poppy answered. She put her headphones on and walked away, focusing on her turntable app. 


"Poppy? Poppy! You in there?" Jade asked. 

"Huh? What? Um, yeah! Where?" Poppy asked. 

"Earth to Poppy! We're in runway class, and we're trying to pick our first look for the project." Bella said. 

"Skylar and June drew this." Ruby said. She showed Poppy our drawings. 

"We love them both, but I know they're too similar and we can only use one. We all voted, but we're split so we need you to break the tie." I said. 

"Now? But I'm so close on the mix! If I let the tune out of my head, I won't finish." Poppy said. 

"She has the chance to DJ for The A's!" Sunny explained. 

"For the A's, hashtag life goals! Stay in your head and mix!" Violet said. 

"Violet. This is our project, we need her to choose." Jade said. 

"Stroke of genius! Poppy, you can choose a look while you finish your mix. Sing us what you think, to the beat of your music!" Bella siad. 

"Awesome idea." I said. 

"Rockin'!" Poppy said. She turned her bluetooth on and send the music to the speakers, beginning to sing to it. 

"I like this cut and I like this style love the beading it's so sweet and I really have to smile! Skyler you're my girl and you never criticize but you're asking my opinion so I'm giving you no lies, if I gotta make a choice I'll just tell you how I feel, I say this one is the one cause it's how I keep it real!" Poppy sang. We cheered. "Score! I finished! I'm ready!" Poppy said. 

"And we have our first look for the runway show! Seven more to go!" Skylar said.

"I gotta get to The A's. You all rock!" Poppy said. She ran out of the classroom and meets the A's in the hallways. They listened to her music. We stood a bit away. 

"It's good. Party's next week, make sure you're ready. You got the gig." Avery said. The A's walked away. Poppy turned to us. We all cheered for her. 

"We've only got one week to choose an outfit for the prefect party!" Violet said. 

"Closets! Now!" Ruby said. We all ran off to our rooms. 

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