Chapter 1 - First Day Back

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"Witchy Woman"


↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

1:37 ───|────── 4:10




Leaves were scattered around the grounds of Waverly Academy. The old brick buildings bringing a familiar feeling back into my body. The hedges are nicely trimmed, the grounds people walking about doing their jobs as students began to fill in the space that had been empty for so long. 

I take in a deep breath, smelling the comforting autumn air The whole atmosphere is calm and almost nostalgic as I remember the first time I stepped foot on the Waverly grounds. 

"Rory!!" A cheerful voice fills my ears, followed my the shove of my body as arms wrap around the back of my neck. "How was your summer?!"

"It was good," I respond, turning to face my red haired friend. Marie stood next to Victoria, a smile on her face. 

The two girls I had been friends with since our first day of our freshman year. Marie and Victoria lived near each other, so they grew up together. I was simply an add on that they welcomed with open arms. 

"You get your schedule yet?" Marie asks, taking her backpack off her back and pulling out a paper from inside. "I've got...Herbology at 8:30 Monday morning," she groans, and I smile. 

Marie is not one for mornings, but I don't blame her, not at all. I managed to schedule all my classes for after 12:00. 

"Care and Keeping of Animals 101, 1:30 on Monday," Victoria exclaims excitedly. Victoria's specialty is animals, we joke that she'll become one one day. 

I pull my schedule from my bag, taking a quick glance, "Astronomy, 6:45 pm." Astronomy is my favorite class, well one of them. Victoria goes to speak, but a small squeaky voice interrupts her. 

"Move! Out of the way! Coming through!" Gnomes. It's a small old man with a long beard, he's dragging behind him a cart full of students things. We quickly split, making room for the small man and the large cart. Once he's out of earshot, Victoria speaks. 

"I've never liked gnomes," she comments, furrowing her brows. Marie chuckles. 

"Maybe that's because one attacked you when you tried to pick it up," I snort at the memory. Victoria is always very friendly, she doesn't pick up on many social cues, and tends to get anxious when in situations with not so happy or friendly people. 

"He looked like he could've used a hug," Victoria shrugs, and I give her a pat on the back. Collectively, the three of us begin walking towards our dorm building, Witch Hall. 

We can't say that our headmistress was creative in creating the names.

Witch Hall is exactly opposite of Fae Hall. Fae Hall is then next to Nymph Hall, and so on. It's all in one large circle surrounding the large old brick mansion that Gwendoline Lupton once called home. 

Victoria, Marie, and I are grateful to say that Werewolf hall is the furthest away from us, all the residents there might I put this? Messy? Unorganized? Loud? Let's just say we aren't fans of the members of that group. 

"Did you guys hear about the party some of the Juniors in Angel Hall are throwing?" Marie asks, looking over at Victoria and I. "All species invited, we should go." 

"What time? I want to get a head start on some of my studies," Victoria mentions, practically skipping down the old stone pathway. 

"9:30 I think, you'll have plenty of time, Vic," Marie rolls her eyes, before turning her attention to me, "What about you, Rory? You going to come?" 

"Yeah why not," I shrug. I get along with most of the Juniors, well those who don't give me dirty looks in the halls. Plus the classes I'm taking this year don't assign much work, and they're subjects I'm confident in. I should be alright to attend one party. The school year hasn't even started yet technically. 


We find the party quickly, it was loud and crowded, music blaring, people laughing and talking. Marie quickly disappears, finding another group of witches and dancing. Victoria and I squeeze through the crowd towards the bar. Victoria scrunches her nose at the sight of couples left and right making out like the world was ending tomorrow, and I give her hand a small squeeze. 

The bar is technically a folding plastic table with a large bowl filled with spiked punch, and a few cans of unopened beer in a cooler next to the table. Victoria goes straight for the cooler, while I grab a red solo cup and fill it with some punch. 

"I'm surprised the usuals aren't here," Victoria yells over the music. The usuals, by that she means Wyatt Butler and his goonies. I've personally never spoken to him or any of his friends, but Marie has. She says they aren't that bad, that they're really quite nice. I think they're loud, messy, arrogant dicks. Especially the blonde one. They go to every party ever held on the grounds of Waverly Academy. Well, as long as it's not in Vamp Hall. There's odd tension with that, I don't ask any questions regarding the Vampires and Werewolves. It's none of my business. 

"Me too," I answer, taking a sip of the spiked punch, and scrunching my nose at the strong burning sensation of the alcohol. "Are any of the Vamps here?"

"Yeah, but so are a couple other werewolf packs." 

"Maybe Wyatt decided to stay clear," I shrug, not really caring that the frat boys of werewolves aren't here. I see Victoria shrug a single shoulder, before cracking open her beer and glancing over at a random corner. 

"You owe me twenty bucks," She says with a wide grin, and I groan. We made a bet on Marie. Victoria said that she'd be eating someone's face within ten minutes of arriving at the party, and my guess was twenty. 

"Bitch," I grumble, "After the party."

"Don't forget like you did last time, I should be charging you forty," Victoria's grin grew wider. 

"Yeah, yeah," I roll my eyes, smirking just a little bit myself. I see Marie on Estella Hemingway's lap. Estella is a vampire in our grade, she's nice, quiet, definitely way off from Marie. But hey, whatever floats their boat. 

"Guess you were wrong about Wyatt too," Victoria says, then pointing towards the door. Goddamnit. 

Wyatt walks in, followed by Seth Thorn, Conan Savage, Bella Steele, and Rae Butcher. His crew.

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