Chapter 2 - The Party

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"Teddy Picker"

Arctic Monkeys

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0:58 ───|────── 2:40




She was like seeing the solar eclipse for the first time. Blinding. Beautiful. I can't stare at her for too long or I'm afraid that along with my heart she'll steal my vision. I don't even know who she is, I've seen her around, she hangs out with that witch Marie.

Maybe it's the fact that it's been a couple months since I last saw her. Maybe it's because she grew out her hair, or it's the top that she's wearing. 

Either way, I don't know if I'm too mad about this. 

"Wyatt, you alive?" Conan asks, tapping my shoulder, shaking me out of my thoughts. I give him a small nod, not yet taking my eyes off the brunette just opposite of me. Despite the obvious glare she's giving me, I want to go up and talk to her. I want to see her smile, hear her laugh - "Wyatt!" Conan's voice is raised this time, waving in front of my face. "You're getting all spacey and you haven't even touched the alcohol yet." Finally I rip my eyes off of the witch, turning towards my friends who have been watching me for however long I've been standing there. 

"I'm here, I'm here," I reassure running my hands through my hair as I focus my attention on something else. 

Except I can't, the girl holds my attention like she's the brightest star in the sky. Even as I have other girls flirting and hanging on my arm, she's the only thought on my mind. 

It doesn't take long however before the witch notices the constant stares. She struts over to us like she owns the place, and hell I'd buy it for her if she asked, her nose scrunches as she makes her way closer as if we smell like wet dog. I don't at least, I can't speak for Seth or Conan. 

"Do you have a problem?" She asks, glaring and furrowing her brows. The taller red head is practically cowering behind the confident witch. 

"Not unless you're going to tell me to remove my ruby slippers," I comment with a smirk. 

"Wow, I'm impressed, you really got me with that one!" She quips sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest, "Would you like me to give you a treat and ear scratches? Call you a good boy for your amazing work?"

I wouldn't hate it.

"Now look who's getting extra points for creativity," I respond, wrapping my arm around Bella, hoping that maybe whatever effect she has on me, I have on her. Although the witch just rolls her eyes, proving me wrong immediately. 

"Rory, let's just go," the red head whispers to her friend, clearly not wanting to cause a scene. Like I would let that happen. 

Rory, so that's her name. It suits her, definitely not something I would've assumed, but it's something I like. 

"No, I want to know why he was staring at me," Rory says sternly to her friend. My jaw clenches, I try so hard not to cause a huge scene. I know I said I wouldn't let it happen, but god if she keeps speaking I might. 

Bella moves closer to me, her hand squeezing my side. If I weren't trying to make Rory jealous, I would've thrown the werewolf off of me. That plan doesn't seem to be working. I know what I'm feeling, I know it's rare(not unheard of) for other species to be involved, what I don't know is why Rory isn't feeling anything.

"Alright, Galinda, relax," Seth steps in, resulting in glares from both girls. He throws his hands in the air, and I bite back a chuckle. 

I honestly don't understand why she's so worked up over the stares, sure maybe it's a little creepy, but if she just asked me to stop I would've. On the other hand, I know other men can be difficult. 

"Just leave me alone, okay? Quit staring and focus on your chew toy," Rory says, gesturing towards Bella, who attempts to lunge forward. I grip her arms, dragging her back to the group. 

Maybe my plan is working, just a little.

I see Rory's friend Marie stumbling over, drink in hand, vampire on her shoulder. Suddenly the air grows tense, and I sense that it might be my time to leave the poor witch alone.

"Alright, alright, my apologies," I say, smiling softly in hopes to defuse the tension. "How bout we start over, kay? I'm Wyatt and this is-" 

"No," is Rory's only response before she turns on her heel to help aid her drunk friend. I hear Conan snickering, muttering something that I can't understand. 

I'm going to need a serious drink.


I don't think I've ever drank so much in my life. When I woke up this morning to a girl next to me, I didn't even remember where I was. 

My headache is drilling into my scull. I feel as though I might've made a mistake, I feel like I cheated on whatever imaginary girlfriend my mind has created.

What a horrible feeling.

Unfortunately for me, classes begin today. On the more positive side of things, my classes don't start until tonight, so I've got the whole day to kick this hangover in the ass.

Whatever happened last night with Rory, it's not something that I've ever felt towards another girl. It's a feeling that I've only heard about in stories, something my mom and dad told me would happen someday. I assumed I was a late bloomer.

That pull, the ringing in my ears, the pit in my stomach. I wasn't nervous, I thought I would be, but I felt...relieved.

Now I'm only left with confusion as my mind rakes itself to find a plausible explanation to why I'm feeling that pull for a witch and not a werewolf like any other normal...well not person.

I head down to the library, hopeful that I'll find some books on campus that will explain the rarity of my situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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